Sharing and permissions

Find out what is and isn't shared across your Attio workspace.

Sharing data with your team

You can invite your team to your workspace as either workspace admins or members - what they can see and do will depend on their level of access. Learn more about managing members.

What is and isn't shared across your workspace

Learn more about what is shared with members of your Attio workspace.


All records are shared with all members of your workspace. It is not possible to restrict access to records in Attio, though the content of emails on records are private by default.

Workspace admins on the Enterprise plan are able to limit view exports to only workspace admins. To enable this setting, first click your workspace name in the upper-left and choose Workspace settings from the dropdown. In the sidebar on the left, click Security. Toggle on Disable data exports for non-admins.


When you sync your email, your email sharing settings determine what people can see of your emails by default: metadata only, metadata and subject lines, or all email content. Members of a workspace can also request access to viewing specific emails, and members can opt to share specific emails or all emails associated with specific records with team members (depending on your Attio plan).

Learn more about email sharing. Note that correspondence with blocklisted domains and email addresses is never shared.

Email templates

Email templates are visible to and can be used by all team members.

Email drafts

Only the person who wrote an email draft is able to see it in Attio.

Communication intelligence

Communication intelligence attributes such as 'Strongest connection' and 'Last interaction' are visible to all team members.


Lists can be shared with other specific users (depending on your Attio plan), your entire workspace, or kept private, though admins can always see all lists in Workspace settings. All views in a list are shared with the members who can access the list. List attributes are only visible to people who can view the list. Learn more about list access.


Notes and note templates are visible to all workspace members. You can share a specific note with someone by @mentioning them in the note, which will notify them if they have notifications enabled, or you can send them a link by opening the note and copying the URL from your browser.


Tasks are visible to all workspace members.


Comments on records are visible to all workspace members, but comments on lists are only visible to people who have access to the lists.

Dashboards and reports

Access for dashboards and their reports can be configured to limit visibility and editing permissions for the whole workspace or individuals. Learn more about dashboard access.

Workspace settings

Only workspace admins can access and adjust Workspace settings including updating the workspace name and logo, doing a full export of data from Attio, managing members, viewing and updating billing information, configuring integrations, and managing objects and object attributes.

Account settings

Each member can only access their own Account settings to update their own name, picture, and email address, and view email, calendar, cloud storage, and notifications settings.

Frequently asked questions.

  • It's not yet possible to share lists externally. On our Pro or Enterprise plans, you could add someone as a member and limit their access to just one list, but they would still be able to see all records across your workspace. If this is something you'd like to see in the future, let us know at [email protected].

Couldn’t find something? Contact us at [email protected]