
What’s new?

A rundown of the latest Attio feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and important bug fixes.


Pin favorites in your sidebar

Open Attio, and you’ll find a brand new Favorites section in your sidebar. Not only can you add your favorite Dashboards and Workflows, you can now also pin Object views, List views, Records, Notes, Note Templates, and Email Templates to your sidebar.

Favorites can be grouped into folders and ordered however you like, so you can access your go-to pages easier than ever.

We’ve also made some big updates to the Lists section:

  • Our new truncated display now shows 6 lists, with the option to expand more. If you prefer to see all of your lists at once, simply toggle Show all lists.

  • Open the All lists popover, and you can easily search your lists or create a new list.

  • You can now sort lists by Most relevant, Recently added, Alphabetical, or Custom.

June 20, 2024

Powerful new LinkedIn capabilities

Our Chrome browser extension now integrates even more deeply with LinkedIn. Scroll through LinkedIn, and you’ll find new Attio buttons in your news feed, messages, search feed, side panel, and more.

Click an Attio button and we instantly search LinkedIn, populating Attio with all available information about your target.

Our browser extension now also supports relationship cards, so you can quickly see your target’s connections to other records.

Just update your extension to version 5.0.24 to access these new features.

June 20, 2024

Importing improvements

We’ve been adding further polish to our new importer, so you can track your imports in even more detail.

You can now import People from a CSV file with separate first name and last name columns.

For files with a select option column, we now highlight any matching errors in the review page, and enable you to add any missing select options in a single click.

We also now display the number of records being Created or Updated in the preview page, giving you further clarity on how each import will affect your CRM.

Once your import has finished running, you can also filter records by Status to track the outcome of your import.

June 20, 2024

Expanded automations features

We’ve shipped a number of new Automations features, so that you can build even more powerful workflows.

Our new Aggregate values block enables you to aggregate a list of numerical values as Sum, Average, Minimum, or Maximum. For example, you could use this block to calculate the total value of the deals associated with a particular company.

You can now also trigger Record command workflows from a list view for list entries of the specified record type. This means you can trigger both List entry workflows and Company workflows from a list of Companies .

We’ve also added failure notifications, so you can easily keep track of any errors in your workflow runs. Just open the settings page for the workflow you’re interested in, and Opt in for email notifications.

June 20, 2024

The Attio Community is live

We’ve just launched the Attio Community, a brand new forum where you can connect with other users and the Attio team.

As a community member, you can:

  • Get support and inspiration from fellow Attio users.

  • Share product feedback and chat directly with the team.

  • Network with other users at exclusive events and workshops.

June 20, 2024

New ETL integrations

Our partners have shipped two new integrations with Attio this month.

Jitsu is an open-source data integration platform. You can connect Jitsu to Attio to sync data into your data warehouse.

Popsink integrates with different tools in your stack for real-time data sync. Using Popsink, you can sync data between Attio, your data warehouse, and other external tools.

June 20, 2024

Changelog (June 20, 2024)

  • Provided the ability to jump to favorited views, records, notes, dashboards, and workflows via Quick Actions (⌘K). You can also add and remove favorites from this view.

  • Shipped a number of quality of life improvements to workflows:

    • Provided the ability to sort workflows by Name.

    • Added support for custom headers in the Send HTTP request block, unlocking new functionality if you need a specific authorization header.

    • Enabled users to drag and drop a block within a loop to set it as the first step in the loop.

    • Added support for 18 new attributes to the Outreach Add to Sequence block, so you can use variable inputs to send highly customized email sequences.

    • Improved Entity reference and Email address inputs to allow users to input static values, as well as variables.

  • Improved our filtering capabilities, so you can filter your reports, workflows and views by Actor reference type. For example, you can choose to only include records in a report if they were created by a certain workspace member.

  • Added a new Select Option picker to Insight and Historical reports, allowing you to specify the exact options to include and reduce the noise within your chart.

  • Shipped new Period to Date options to the reporting time-frame picker, meaning you can now filter by the current week, month, quarter, or year to date.

  • Improved the performance of our Segment integration, so you can now send Segment events to Attio in batches, rather than individually. To take advantage of this option, please enable it within your Segment settings.

June 20, 2024

Major browser extension updates

Our Chrome browser extension just got even more powerful. Pull up any profile on LinkedIn, and you’ll now see an Open in Attio button built directly into the page, making it easier than ever to access the browser extension.

When you add a new person to Attio, we now also include their current company. If this company isn’t yet in your CRM, we automatically create a new company record populated with data parsed from LinkedIn.

We’ve also refreshed the browser extension UI to reflect the recently launched configurable record page layout.

May 08, 2024

Next-level note taking

We’ve majorly updated notes in Attio with powerful new features and fresh designs.

Template selection, rich text formatting, auto-linking, mentions, and more have been completely refreshed to make the user experience even more intuitive and beautiful.

Open the same note as a colleague, and you’ll find some major improvements to the multiplayer editing experience. New cursors for each independent user make real-time collaboration easier than ever, ensuring you track all the information you need about a record.

Head straight over to Notes > New note to start writing.

May 08, 2024

Mobile notes are here

In addition to overhauling our existing notes feature, we’ve also launched mobile notes! With the same powerful rich text effects and multiplayer capacity as desktop, you can now create, edit, and collaborate on notes from anywhere.

Download the Attio app on iOS or Android to get started.

May 08, 2024

New referral program

Our referral program is officially live!

Gift other teams 10% off their Attio subscription to earn up to $2.5K in rewards, ranging from exclusive Attio merch to an Apple studio display.

Navigate to Account settings > Refer another team to generate your unique referral link and start earning points.

May 08, 2024

New Polytomic integration

Polytomic, a platform for bidirectional ETL and data syncing, has just shipped a new integration with Attio. This covers a vast range of use cases, including:

  • ETL. You can sync your Attio workspace to your data warehouse.

  • Reverse-ETL. Sync your data warehouse to your Attio workspace.

  • Data enrichment. You can enrich data in Attio or your warehouse with data from Apollo, and a number of other enrichment providers.

  • Two-way sync. Establish a bidirectional sync between Attio and your external tools, including Databricks, Airtable, and Google Sheets.

  • Pull in product data. Power your CRM with insights from your product databases.

Learn more about the new integration in the Polytomic docs.

May 08, 2024

Changelog (May 8, 2024)

  • We now show who resolved a comment, and when, allowing team members to more easily catch up on how a conversation progressed.

  • Shipped a few helpful, quality-of-life updates to workflows:

    • Our workflow editor now highlights connectable blocks when drawing a line to build a connection, accelerating the process of setting up a workflow.

    • Workflows now warn users if they create a cycle that can potentially create an infinite loop and consume a large number of credits.

  • Added a button to comment on a record from its hover card, enabling users to quickly add a comment without leaving their current view.

  • Provided an ability to filter tasks by “no assignee” in the tasks list, making it easier to see which tasks are left to be assigned.

May 08, 2024

New extensible workflow blocks

We’ve just shipped two new blocks which enable you to integrate your workflows into any system–no lines of code needed.

  • Webhook received allows you to trigger a workflow in Attio from any other application in your stack. For example, you could trigger a workflow by hitting a button in Retool.

  • Parse JSON allows you to parse and extract structured data from a JSON string, which can then be used as variable inputs for subsequent blocks. For example, you could use this data to externally enrich a particular record.

For example, you can use the Webhook received, Parse JSON, and Create or update record blocks to extract data from a form submission, and then create or update a record with the data encoded in the form.

April 03, 2024

New reporting data tables

We’ve just shipped a new collapsible data table for reports, which makes it easier than ever to dig into the numbers behind each chart.

Hovering over a cell in the table will highlight the relevant section of the report, and vice versa.

Just click Calculated values under any report to start diving into your data.

April 03, 2024

Help center updates

We’ve shipped a number of major updates to our Help center.

  • We’ve rebuilt search from the ground up to provide better indexing and results. Simply hit cmd + K to give it a try.

  • We’ve redesigned our contents sidebar, making it even more intuitive to navigate the Help center.

  • We’ve published a brand new Attio 101 guide. This covers fundamental concepts to help new users quickly dive into Attio and master the basics.

April 03, 2024

New integrations: Cardinal, Circleback, and more

Our partners have shipped a range of new integrations with Attio this month, including:

  • Circleback, an AI-powered tool for tracking notes, action items, and more from your meetings. You can connect Circleback with Attio to automatically save meeting summaries as notes, and action items as tasks.

  • Cardinal, an opinionated, AI-enhanced feature backlog. Using Cardinal, your customer details and revenue data from Attio are connected to product features and opportunities, so you can best choose what to build next.

  • AgentHub, a AI-powered automation platform that allows you to automate your Attio workflows, no code needed.

  • Wrk, a platform that combines API integration with RPA and human skill to help you automate actions in Attio.

April 03, 2024

Expanded automations features

We’ve just shipped a number of new workflow blocks, which open up a whole new set of possibilities for your workflows.

  • Recurring schedule allows you to schedule a workflow to run at a specific point in time, or at regularly defined intervals. For example, you can schedule a workflow to run every Monday at 10am, or on the twelfth of every month, and so on.

  • List entry command enables you to manually trigger a workflow from any entry in a list.

  • Find records allows you to find records that match filter conditions, so that you can use those records in subsequent blocks. For example, you can find all In progress Deals that haven’t been contacted for over a week.

  • Find list entries finds entries in a list that match a filter condition, so that you can use those list entries in subsequent blocks.

  • Delete list entry deletes an entry from a list.

  • Loop allows you to repeat a set of actions for attributes with multiple data points. For example, you can iterate over all Team members of a Company.

You can learn more about the new blocks here, or head straight over to Automations > New workflow to start building.

February 28, 2024

AI-boosted automations

Automations has a new AI feature, which automatically writes the title and description of a workflow when it goes live.

Just hit Publish workflow, and let the AI work its magic.

February 28, 2024

Enhanced core pages

We’ve majorly updated tasks, notes, emails, reports, and automations pages with powerful new features and fresh designs.

Head over to reports and automations pages, and you’ll find a brand new favorites section. This view is unique for each user. Just click the ⭐️ next to any dashboard or workflow to add to your favorites.

Some other highlights include:

  • On the tasks page, you can now filter and group each task by assignee.

  • Notes and emails have a new dedicated page where you can view and manage your templates.

  • You can group and search your dashboards and workflows on the updated reports and automations pages.

February 28, 2024

Updated Zapier integration

We’ve shipped a variety of improvements to our Zapier integration, including:

  • Responses from Triggers and Actions now contain a lot more data, which should dramatically reduce the number of steps you need to build a Zap.

  • You can now write multi-select record references/relationships, including using domains to write company values, emails to write people values, user_id to write users, and workspace_id to write workspaces.

  • We’ve added new “Delete List Entry” and “Update Task” actions.

  • Test data now matches the filters you configure for your triggers. For example, if you filter entry updates on a particular attribute, test data will always contain values where that attribute is set.

  • You can now find records by record_id.

  • You can now set the value for created_at on notes, which is very useful for imports.

February 28, 2024

Changelog (February 28, 2024)

  • Extended the capabilities of our search to Lists and Objects, which should streamline the navigation process significantly for our customers who have a large team, or large datasets.

  • All standard objects (companies, people, deals, workspaces, users) and all custom objects now have an Attio-defined system attribute called "Record ID" (slug: record_id). This is a user-visible version of the ID of any record when it's created. This is useful for:

    • Assert records API

    • Zapier

    • Imports (for example, if you know a deal’s Record ID from a previous export, you can use this to find it when matching import records)

  • Enabled a “Phone Number” attribute for use on any Object or List. These attributes can be set up to accept either a single phone number or multiple values. Additionally, you can configure these attributes to be mandatory or unique, depending on the specific Object involved.

  • Added support for creating custom, unique attributes on standard objects (deals, users, and workspaces), which are important when it comes to easily syncing your own customer data to Attio without creating duplicates.

  • Shipped a number of quality of life improvements to our mobile app, including providing backlinks for emails and notes, and quickening the boot-up process.

  • Refreshed our pricing page so that it’s easier to navigate and understand what each plan offers.

February 28, 2024

Drill-down emails

You’re now able to send emails to any record with an attribute that ultimately links to a Person record.

For example, you can make a list of Companies for partnership outreach, and then drill-down to email your chosen points of contact directly from this list.

Just select your records, hit Send email , choose the relevant people attribute, and start typing.

January 18, 2024

Updated Zapier integration

We've updated our Zapier integration to offer wider coverage of Attio’s ever-expanding feature-set, alongside numerous small fixes and usability improvements.

Zapier now supports all standard and custom objects, with new triggers, improved value writing, and more. View our new blocks here, or learn how to migrate your existing Zaps in our migration guide.

January 18, 2024

Configurable record pages

Record pages are now completely customizable. Configure them any way you like, with powerful features including a new widgets section, an updated sidebar, and a new editing modal.

You can now pull in any data related to a particular record from across your entire CRM, offering a single source of truth about your GTM efforts.

For example, rather than having to view a Deal record, then a Company record, and then a Person record separately, your team now has everything in one view.

Admins can easily start customizing by clicking … > Configure page in any record view.

January 18, 2024

Ephemeral filtering

You can now temporarily filter or sort a view without saving it for everyone.

Instantly see your edits to a view, without changing other users’ views until you hit Save. You can even save your changes as a new view, instead of overwriting an existing view.

We’ve also updated our filter UI, making it easier than ever to see how your view is filtered or sorted.

January 18, 2024

Email read receipts

We’ve just shipped email read receipts. You can now see precisely who opened your email and when, all inside of Attio.

To learn how to set up this feature, read our help center article.

January 18, 2024

Changelog (January 18, 2024)

  • Added support for drill-down attributes in Kanban views, allowing you to pull in any information from a related record and truly mold your view to fit your process.

  • Shipped smooth, full-screen Chrome extension modals. This means all popovers and modals will appear over the page you’re currently viewing (and will include a much nicer transition than before!). Please update to extension version 4.8.0 to gain access.

  • Added a few usability improvements to our record creation and record update forms. You can now add and edit linked records inline, right inside the form, without needing to exit and navigate to that record. This will greatly reduce the number of clicks required when creating and updating records.

  • Made the following currencies available in our currency attribute: Israeli Shekel (ILS), Philippine Peso (PHP), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), New Taiwan Dollar (NTD), and Norwegian Krone (NOK).

January 18, 2024

New API docs / dev center

We’ve just shipped a complete overhaul of our API docs. They've been completely redesigned, and we've also published thorough technical guides for over 15 attribute types, and each standard object (People, Companies, Deals, Workspaces, Users).

We’ve also included new search functionality that makes it easier than ever to find precisely what you need, and built out a way for you to be able to run API requests directly from the docs.

This means you can connect your Attio account and start experimenting with our API right away. No more messing around with curl.

December 22, 2023

New integrations: Fillout, Relay, and more

Our partners have shipped a handful of new integrations with Attio this month, including:

Fillout, a powerful form builder used by over 27,000 companies. Using Fillout, your attributes in Attio will automatically be available as you build your form, so you can quickly build a form that aligns and syncs with your business model.

Relay, a multiplayer, AI-enhanced workflow automation tool. You can use Relay to easily integrate Attio with over 90 apps in your stack.

APIdeck, an API integration layer that allows partners to integrate with Attio using just a few lines of code., an AI-powered integration service that also allows partners to integrate with Attio with just few lines of code.

December 22, 2023

New integrations portal

We’ve built out a new integrations portal where you can view your current integrations and explore others available in Attio, searchable by name or category.

Just head over to Workspace settings > Integrations to see what integrations are available.

December 22, 2023

Variables inside filter automation blocks

You can also now use variables inside filter blocks. 

For example, you could create an automation that calculates the expected MRR from a deal in progress, and then use a filter block to determine whether the recently calculated deal is considered enterprise or SMB.

December 12, 2023

Subject line variables in emails

We’ve also added one of our most requested features to date: subject line variables. All you need to do is hit { in the subject line and pull in whatever variable you like.

December 12, 2023

Improved filter editing experience in automations

We’ve improved the filter editing experience in our automations tool. Single condition filters are now displayed inline, while multi-condition filters are shown in separate modal.

December 12, 2023

Updated email editor

We’ve done a complete overhaul of the email editor in Attio. It’s faster, better-designed and more powerful than ever before, with a new toolbar and more intuitive link editing.

December 12, 2023

Dedicated search

We’ve create a dedicated search experience. 

This makes it easier to get to where you want to go. If you hit /, you can execute a deep search with additional results. You can search not just by name, but by location, description, social or even phone number.

December 12, 2023

Redesigned command palette

We've redesigned our command palette to be more intuitive and useful. You can execute any action quickly, and also see an overview of your calendar and details about each event.

December 12, 2023

Calendar event pages

Calendar event pages are now available directly in activity timelines.

This means you now have the ability to click on a calendar event while in a timeline to get all the info you need about it (e.g., name, date, attendees, attendance status, companies involved, etc.)

December 12, 2023

Changelog (December 12, 2023)

  • Created new “Funding raised” enriched data attribute, allowing teams to categorize and prioritize leads more effectively by understanding how much funding a company has raised.

  • Shipped new record creation forms, streamlining the process of adding records to lists by allowing you to create a new record during the flow.

  • Improved push notifications from our mobile app by including a content preview inside of the notification and providing the ability to perform quick actions, such as replying to a comment or granting an email access request.

  • Added support for five new currencies: Indian Rupee (INR); UAE Dirham (AED); Swiss Franc (CHF); Japanese Yen (JPY); Chinese Renminbi (CNY).

  • Extended our Segment integration to support writing location data to Attio, allowing you to bring even more customer data seamlessly into Attio, such as billing addresses from Stripe.

  • Enabled the editing of Standard Attribute descriptions (ex. Deal value, Deal owner) as part of our continued effort to increase an admin’s ability to customize their workspace for their team members.

December 12, 2023


Automations, our powerful new feature that allows you to build and automate any process right inside of Attio, is now live. Read our blog post for more details.

November 08, 2023

Workspace and User objects

Attio now includes Workspace and User objects by default. This means you can now seamlessly run your PLG and sales-led motions all in one place.

October 18, 2023

Rename table columns

You are now able to rename any table column in Attio! Gone are the days of Com… > Estimated ARR.

Simply click on any column and select Edit column label to rename columns to whatever you’d like.

October 18, 2023

Filter records by inclusion or exclusion in lists

You can now filter records by their inclusion in any list in your Attio workspace. We also support the inverse filter, meaning you can filter for records not in a list

This is a super helpful tool when you need to narrow down and pinpoint your records. Just click Filter > List entries in any table view.

October 18, 2023

New currency formatting

You can now specify the formatting for currency cells in a table view, so you can display your currency values whichever way is right for the context.

October 18, 2023
Feature integration: your product data inside Attio

You're now able to integrate your product data into Attio using June. This process just takes a few minutes.

No reverse ETLs or data warehouse required, and you'll have a single source of truth for your CRM and product data.

Read more about the integration on our blog. To set up the integration, check out help center article.

September 27, 2023

Record creation attribution

You are now able to tell which integration is responsible for the creation of a record in Attio, in addition to team members.

For example, one company record could be created by the Attio system (Email sync), another from an integration (e.g. Segment) and another manually by a fellow teammate.

August 17, 2023

Next due task

See when the next task is due for any record. Simply add the new next due task attribute on any table view to gain a clear understanding of your timelines.

August 17, 2023

Full inbox sharing

You can now share full access to a synced email account with the rest of your workspace.

This means emails from inboxes with this option selected will be visible to everyone in the workspace, without them having to request access to each email individually.

You can also choose share permissions on an individual level. For example, one team member can have full access, and another subject line and metadata access.

August 17, 2023

Changelog (August 17, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for August 17, 2023:

  • Added ability to filter Tasks by Record ID via our API, making it simpler to fetch all Tasks associated with a given Record.

  • Extended support in our reporting tool for the Deals standard object.

  • Updated our Object and Lists settings pages so that they are only accessible by admins. This ensures that extensive, workspace-level updates can only be made by an admin.

  • Implemented new designs for invalid filters and sorts, making the issue and how to fix it more clear to the end user.

  • Extended support for drill-down attributes to our mobile app, allowing you to take full advantage of any relationships you have established. For example, you can now pull company data into a people list or deal data into a company list while on mobile.

  • Added comment counts to record pages, allowing you to easily see if there have been any comments made by team members without having to click into the comment thread.

  • Made a few helpful updates to our “Relationship” attribute, including autofilling the name of the attribute based on the definition of the relationship. For example, a “Relationship” attribute that links deals and people would be automatically named “Associated Deals” on the person record.

  • Fixed a few bugs on the record timeline that were affecting list attribute updates and calendar events.

  • Cleaned up the UI for the Dashboard and Report settings pages to remove bugs.

  • Removed an unneeded, horizontal scrollbar that was present for “Connected Accounts” within the “Email & Calendar” settings page.

  • Fixed a bug that caused popover menu backgrounds to be missing.

August 17, 2023

Attributes for linked objects

We’ve just shipped new drill-drown features for our attributes. This means you can now display attributes for any linked objects directly in a list, instead of having to navigate through record pages to get that information.

For example, if you have a list of people and you’d like to add the estimated ARR of their company, you can simply add Company > Estimated ARR

You can surface any company attribute to a people list, or vice versa.

July 13, 2023

New activity timelines

We’ve rolled out new activity timelines on record pages. From new icons to better visual organization and clarity, timelines are more consistent, intuitive and beautiful than ever before.

In terms of new functionality, months are now collapsable, so you can get to the events you care about faster. Calendars events now show the status of the event as well.

July 13, 2023

Relative time formatting

Relative time formatting is now available in table views.

This means you can choose how you want to display your dates as relative time (e.g., 4 days ago) or absolute time (July 9, 2023). Just click on any date attribute and select Formatting > Relative.

This is particularly useful when managing workflows that require tasks and follow-ups.

July 13, 2023

Changelog (July 13, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for July 13, 2023:

  • Added OAuth support for generating access tokens, a key necessity for any third-party tool building a public integration between Attio and their product.

  • Refreshed the design and functionality for the Record and Entry details sheets in our mobile app, which now make it possible to start a comment thread.

  • Shipped an improved version of the search experience within our Chrome Extension. It has a new look and feel and the search window now takes up the whole available space so it doesn’t feel quite as cramped.

  • Added new Admin capabilities for our Enterprise customers that allow Admins to easily understand List access across their team, see the mailboxes and storage accounts each member has connected, and view when each member has last logged in.

  • Improved the boot-up speed of our mobile app.

  • Fixed a few design bugs and UX glitches in our web app.

July 13, 2023

New comments system

We've just shipped our beautiful, new comments system in Attio. Engage with threaded commenting, emoji reactions, comment history, and more.

June 22, 2023

Changelog (June 22, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for June 22, 2023:

  • To help new users onboard and understand the product, we've made a few changes when a new workspace is created that include new default views with enriched company data and an example report.

  • Shipped endpoints in our API for listing Tasks and deleting Notes and Tasks, expanding our customer’s ability to integrate other systems with Attio.

  • Added descriptions and examples for each type of webhook subscription, improving our customer’s ability to troubleshoot integrations that leverage webhooks.

  • Fixed a bug with our cookie banner on our website that was preventing certain parts of the page from being clicked.

  • Updated our API docs to include endpoints specific to People and Companies, which will make the process of building an integration with Attio simpler and less abstract.

June 22, 2023

Trigger test webhook events

No more guesswork with your webhook events. We've launched the ability to send test events to your target URL, meaning you can ensure your server properly handles events without affecting your real in-app data.

June 01, 2023

Relative date filtering

Our new relative date filters give you more flexibility in visualizing data and allow you to better keep track of your business in real-time. ⁠ ⁠You can now filter views and reports based on a relative time period (e.g., one week ago, one week from now) rather than a static date.

This means that your views and reports will dynamically adjust in real-time, letting you focus on nurturing leads and closing deals instead of date management.

June 01, 2023

Mobile list sorting

We’ve taken our powerful sorting engine and brought it to our mobile app. That means you can now easily adjust how your records are sorted – whenever you need, wherever you are. Just tap the sort icon at the top right to get started.

June 01, 2023

Improved API functionality

We’ve recently added a new delete record endpoint to our API. This is especially useful for customers who want to programmatically clean up imports and makes it even easier to keep Attio in sync with the rest of your stack.

June 01, 2023

Changelog (June 1, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for June 1, 2023:

  • Implemented an indication of “Read-only” table cells and columns so that it’s clear what data you have permission to edit, making collaborating with teammates even more seamless.

  • Added support for the Australian Dollar (AUD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD) so that more of our customers can accurately reflect dollar amounts in their local currency.

  • Improved the examples provided in our Developer Docs so that it’s easier to integrate with Attio without running into syntax or formatting errors.

  • Fixed a small error in our API that occurred when updating an Attribute’s value, improving the process of keeping Attio in sync with your other systems.

  • Shipped various layout and design updates to our Developer Docs, improving ease of use and readability.

  • Fixed a broken, in-app link to our Help Docs that was causing customers to navigate to our 404 page, ensuring that you can find the answers you need to product questions you may have as you use Attio.

  • Refreshed the design of a few minor elements of our Reporting tool that will improve ease of use.

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing invoices from being downloaded so that customers can continue to keep their own record of Attio invoices.

  • Updated our merge functionality to fix a bug that was preventing records from being merged.

June 01, 2023

Webhook updates

Our webhooks now support more event types than before, including creation, updates, and deletion for lists, list entries, list attributes, records, notes, objects, and tasks.

With these new capabilities, you have the tools to trigger actions across a wider range of scenarios. ⁠ ⁠To help you focus on what matters, we've also fine-tuned our event filtering capabilities. Using the API, you can choose to receive updates on just one or a few important attributes, so you're not overwhelmed by less relevant events. 

May 18, 2023

Enhanced permission controls

You are now able to see permission access on every list in a workspace that you have access to, making it much simpler to manage access and collaborate effectively within your team.

May 18, 2023

Report and list duplication

It's now possible to duplicate both lists and reports, meaning you can easily use any list or report as a template to create variations. Simply click ... and then Duplicate.

May 18, 2023

Changelog (May 18, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for May 18, 2023:

  • Introduced a rate limiter to our webhook system that allows for more manageable delivery of events.

  • Fixed a small bug that occurred when inviting a member to a Workspace, improving the experience of onboarding your team to Attio.

  • Updated certain country names that didn’t conform to the ISO 3166 standard, making it easier to filter your lists, records, and reports by location.

  • Edited API docs to improve readability and comprehension.

  • Shipped several updates to improve performance of our API.

  • Made corrections to certain list templates.

  • Added a button to create a new record when updating the Team or Company tab of a record.

May 18, 2023

Historical reporting

Our customers can now gain insights from historical data. This means that you can not only view real-time data as it happens, but also understand how the data was at a previous point in time.

Current reports include Sum over time, Average time in status, and Count created

May 04, 2023

Multi-cell copy and paste

You can now bulk update attribute values with copy and paste in table views!

Select multiple cells by clicking and dragging your cursor over multiple cells, or click a cell, hold shift on your keyboard, and select another cell to select both cells and all cells between. Cmd/ctrl + C will copy the values of cells, then select the cells you want to bulk update, and use cmd/ctrl + V to paste in the values you copied.

You can also copy and paste values between Attio table views and other spreadsheet applications, meaning you can easily import and export data to and from Attio without any hassle.

May 04, 2023

Enhanced color palettes 🎨

Our color palettes (in both light and dark mode) now look better than ever.

We adjusted our light palette and created a new dark palette to ensure proper brightness and saturation. We also created a bluer grey scale, which is now consistent with our accent color, as the previous one had a “brownish” tone.

Finally, we also have made sure chart colors are distinguishable for our users with color blindness 🙌

May 04, 2023

Changelog (May 4, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for May 4, 2023:

  • Added the ability to duplicate Reports and Lists, removing the need to manually rebuild either item if you want to use an existing version as a starting point.

  • Improved table loading speeds across the platform.

  • Updated the Mobile App to patch a bug that sometimes prevented Tasks from being saved.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Communication Intelligence Attributes from updating correctly when “Enhanced Record Creation” was turned on.

  • Code has been deployed to ensure that when you merge two records, their task associations are preserved. This ensures that no associated tasks are lost during the merge process.

  • Improved error handling for developers using our Legacy API by returning a 404 error when an Entry cannot be found by its ID. Previously, a 500-level error was returned, which was inaccurate.

  • Patched an issue where "Upcoming" tasks were displayed in reverse order, with the furthest out task appearing first. "Upcoming" tasks are now displayed in sequential order.

  • The color of warning messages in the import tool has been adjusted to make it clearer that a message is a warning and not an error.

May 04, 2023

Drag and drop table columns

We've added drag and drop functionality in table columns. This means you can re-arrange columns in a table view just like you would in Notion, Airtable and Google Sheets.

April 18, 2023

Updated Chrome extension

Our updated Chrome extension allows you to turn LinkedIn profiles (people and companies) into data-enriched records with a single click. Details from the page plus from our enriched data sources will create a detailed record in Attio in just a few seconds.

You can also use it within Gmail to easily add, view, and update records for people and companies you are corresponding with via email. Additionally, you can create a record of any website you visit. ⁠ ⁠You can download our Chrome extension here.

April 18, 2023

Downloadable reports

You can now download your individual reports as images. Just click the three dots at the top right of any report, and click Download as image

April 18, 2023

View duplication

You can now duplicate views. This is particularly useful if you want to use a view as a template or as a base to create variations.

Simply click on the three dots next to a view and click Duplicate

April 18, 2023

Changelog (Apr 18, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for April 18, 2023:

  • Released “Create Note” and “Update Record Values” actions to our Zapier integration.

  • Added an icon to certain attributes in our reporting tool to indicate that the attribute leverages historical data.

  • Fixed a bug in the pie chart legend that sometimes caused colors to not always match what was shown in the chart.

  • Implemented aggregations for table views in the mobile app.

  • Patched an issue with date filters in report that aggregate data over certain time periods.

  • Allowed for the removal of default values from date attributes.

  • Updated tooltip for adding comments.

  • Improved the search functionality in our Help Center so that old, archived articles are no longer shown, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

  • Fixed a form validation error in our onboarding flow, making it easier to join a workspace that you’ve been invited to.

April 18, 2023

Real-time, dynamic reporting

We’ve built and released a brand new, real-time dynamic reporting engine which enables our users to quickly slice, manipulate and visualize millions of customer records in many different ways.

Reporting is built on top of Particle, so you can use the same filtering system records and lists to get exactly the right visualization you need.

March 22, 2023

Changelog (Mar 22, 2023)

Updates, fixes and improvements for March 22, 2023:

  • Increased our Google Cloud Platform resources to handle the increase in volume we have experienced since our public launch.

  • Improved page load times by adding lazy-loading of images to certain pages.

  • Significantly improved load times for large lists by limiting the number of list entries we attempt to index for a given record.

  • Implemented an updated design for our Slack integration, improving ease of use.

  • Added multiple fixes, updates, and improvements to our Developer Docs, including updating example code to improve ease of use and readability.

  • Provided more visually appealing illustrations for our mobile app.

  • Allowed for the selection of “Custom date” as a default value for a date attribute.

  • Fixed our currency formatter, reducing errors in import or in export of currency values.

  • Fixed the process of creating a Webhook via OAuth.

  • Updated our API so that it responds with a 400 error for invalid JSON as opposed to a 500 error, improving the ability of our end users to troubleshoot.

  • Added functionality to allow for longer Task descriptions.

  • Implemented a solution to prevent custom browser fonts not rendering correctly.

  • Resolved an issue where you couldn’t complete the use-case selection stage of Attio onboarding if you selected “Other.”

  • Reworked the navigation flow for when a user joins a workspace, preventing a scenario where the cache causes the workspace to appear as if it has no members.

  • Fixed an error on our Startup Program form, which was preventing submissions.

March 22, 2023

New template UI

You can now see a preview of the template you're choosing, complete with sample data and a detailed description of the views and attributes it includes.

We’ve also improved search functionality, so you’re able to find the template you need faster than ever before.

February 23, 2023

Email attachments

Need to send a sales deck to a prospect? Or a pitch deck to an investor? No problem. You can now attach files to both emails and templates directly in Attio.

Click the paperclip icon in the bottom left corner of the compose email window to attach your file.

This feature works for bulk email sending as well: just flip the toggle on the right hand side of the window before Mass sendto send to multiple recipients.

February 23, 2023

100s of new icons

The right design choices — even the smallest details — can make a big difference in the productivity of users. That’s why we obsess over every detail to create an interface that’s visually stunning, friendly and intuitive as humanly possible.

We’ve recently introduced an entirely new personalized icon set in the product. Nearly every aspect of the product has been updated. Take a look!

February 23, 2023

Changelog (Feb 23, 2023)

Updates, Fixes and Improvements for February 23, 2023:

  • Made it possible to create Attribute Definitions with an emoji as the title.

  • Added historic mailbox sync fixes and improvements, including showing a mail sync error message if we detect we cannot sync mail for a Gmail inbox.

  • Increased the speed of mailbox syncing by increasing our mail queue concurrency.

  • Updated tables to auto-scroll only when the keyboard is used.

  • Fixed a bug where a record’s email was not rendering in our browser extension.

  • Released a new version of our browser extension.

  • Implemented ability to render markdown in API docs.

  • Fixed a bug where duplicate tasks were being shown.

  • Added support for account creation when authenticating with a SAML auth flow.

  • Improved documentation for “Create Record” endpoint by specifying that record endpoints are for People and Companies.

  • Improved logging for Workspace Historic Value Export, allowing for a user to troubleshoot if the export times out.

  • Added code to ensure roles are created when a person or company record is created, even if they are created via import or manually.

  • Updated automated record creations/updates to execute in batches, increasing speed.

  • Fixed a modal crash that would occur when a user previews a file.

  • Fixed a bug that occurred when following Attio links from emails.

  • Improved handling of 401 errors in our browser extension.

  • Formatted currency values so that they have a fixed number of decimal places. This change improves the readability of data within tables.

  • Fixed overflowing text issue and realigned workspace avatars.

February 23, 2023

Improvements to record pages

We’ve just added even more functionality to record pages. Check out the new Add to Collection and Compose Email buttons on record profile pages.

You now can also remove individual contacts from the Team tab of a company record.

We’ve made some small but important visual tweaks to each page too - we think they look better than ever. Look out for more specific icons, indicators, and illustrations across profile pages!

December 21, 2022

Improvements to automatic record creation

Our latest update is all about housekeeping - keeping unsolicited email senders (marketing, spam, etc) out of your Attio workspace.

For all new workspaces Attio will only create records for recipients of your outgoing mail, plus those found in your calendar. We won't create records for senders of emails you don't respond to.

For existing workspaces, admins can toggle this setting on (it'll be set to off by default) in the Email and Calendar tab of your Workspace settings.

Toggling this setting on/off won't remove any existing records already created.

December 05, 2022

Collections overhaul

We’ve just finished a complete upgrade of the contact list experience in Attio.

Collections are now powered by Particle, our groundbreaking new data model we've built. That means you can drill down and filter your collections at insanely fast speeds.

You can run multiple filters at the same and use tier sorting to organize your records in any way that comes to mind, on both tables and kanban.

November 04, 2022

Kanban update and redesign

Workflows in Attio have gotten a major redesign and upgrade. Kanbans now work and look better than ever before.

You can select and drag and drop multiple cards in addition to leaving comments, notes and assign tasks in real-time on each record.

October 24, 2022

Bulk personalized email sending

Starting today, Attio users are now be able to send highly personalized emails en masse — leveraging dozens of enriched data points as variables, as well as any custom attribute or data points from integrations you’ve created to create truly impactful conversations with your customers.

Additionally, whatever templates you have can be created, saved, edited and collaborated on in real-time — just like a Notion or a Google doc.

All you’ve got to do is hit a single keyboard shortcut (c) from anywhere within our platform to get going.

You can also quickly access a collection, segment and select your audience in any combination, and start writing highly personalized emails to contacts with just a few clicks.

September 01, 2022

All records

We've just launched All Records, a feature that is not just new to Attio but also completely new to CRM.

Starting today, Attio now gives you an instant global view of every single person and company you and your team have ever interacted with.

No data input is required, and every record is updated in real-time and enriched with relationship intelligence data.

You can organize, filter, and view your records in any combination and create new collections at insanely fast speeds.

This is a really big deal and only possible because of Particle, our amazing underlying data architecture. Particle processes data in real-time using parallel computation, allowing us to deliver the fastest and most flexible CRM ever.

Learn more about All Records here.

July 01, 2022

Sidebar redesign

No part of Attio goes unnoticed when it comes to continual improvements and polish. This time we’ve redesigned the sidebar. The new design means that it’s possible to fit more information into a sleeker and easier to use form.

April 01, 2022

Filtering and sorting improvements

We’ve added even more ways to filter and sort views, this time with a focus on communication data. You can now use properties like ‘Last meeting with’, ‘Next meeting at’, and ‘Time in status’!

March 02, 2022

Email sending

We’re super excited to announce this one - being able to send emails from inside Attio is one of your most demanded features and it’s out of beta.

Everyone’s now able to send emails to any contact in a workspace, directly from the built-in email editor, simply by pressing c. The editor has all the same formatting options as notes, and if you’re an Outlook user then it also supports open tracking!

We’ve got big plans for templating, batch sending, and automations so stay tuned for more updates. In the meantime, happy sending!

March 01, 2022

Kanban improvements

Another quality of life improvement. Each entry’s status can now be updated from the ‘...’ context menu on its kanban card. This makes it easier to move cards across significantly wider kanban boards and means you’ll no longer need to have status as a visible attribute.

February 01, 2022

Settings improvements

We think sweating the small details is just as important as shipping big features. To celebrate that we’ve given our settings pages an overhaul. We’ve moved them from pop-ups to their own dedicated pages, and given everything a new lick of paint.

January 02, 2022

ISO 27001

We’re proud to announce that we’ve passed ISO 27001 certification with zero issues flagged by the auditing team!

If you or your team would like a copy of the certificate then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

January 01, 2022

Notes on mobile

Notes are now available in our Android and iOS apps!

They're currently just read-only, but we'll soon be introducing the ability to create new notes and edit old ones.

December 02, 2021

Dashboard views

We've been teasing this one for a while! After months of hard work dashboard views are now in open beta. Easily build beautiful reports on top of collections' data and start sharing them with your team.

Learn more about creating reports.

December 01, 2021

Social handle improvements

Contact’s social handles are now viewable as attributes on tables and kanbans.

They’re also now fully supported by the CSV importer and can be independently updated.

November 02, 2021

All notes page

You can now access every note in your workspace, directly from the sidebar. The new notes page will show you every note, sorted by date created. Custom filtering, sorting, and grouping are in the works and will be released soon!

November 01, 2021

Collection permissions

Collection permissions have been expanded to allow for more intricate permission settings. Now you can choose between giving team members full, read and write, or just read access to your collection data.

October 02, 2021

Team table

We've updated the way that teams are displayed, increasing information density and making the tab a lot more useful. Each member is now entered into a table view and sorted by descending connection strength.

October 01, 2021