Connect Attio to Zapier to unlock access to over six thousand tools and services. Trigger Zapier workflows based upon changes made in Attio, or use Zapier to sync data from external services back into your Attio workspace.
How it works
Build automations and connections between Attio and Zapier so you can automatically move data between them. You can use Zapier to connect to Attio to other tools in your stack, such as Slack, Airtable, and Facebook Lead Ads.
- Log into your Zapier Account or create a new account.
- Navigate to Apps from the left sidebar in Zapier.
- Click on + Add connection, search for Attio, and select it.
- You’ll be prompted to add an API Key, and you can learn how to generate it in Attio here. Click Yes, continue to Attio.
- By default, this connection to Attio will be private and only able to be used by you. If you’d like to share it with your team, click Share. Add the members or teams you want to share it with, or select Share with everyone, then click Done.
Find more support with connecting and using Attio with Zapier here.