Migrate data from another CRM
Learn how to migrate your data from other CRMs.
Import companies, people, deals, custom objects, notes, and tasks to Attio from your former CRM with a migration service called Import2 that is free for you to use.
Supported CRMs
You can use Import2 to migrate your data into Attio from the following CRMs:
Affinity (see more information below)
Agile CRM
Capsule CRM
HubSpot CRM
Less Annoying CRM
MS Dynamics
OnePage CRM
Redtail CRM
Salesforce (see more information below)
Zendesk Sell
Zoho CRM
Source-specific guidance
Before proceeding to the general guidelines below, please be aware of these limitations for migrating from certain source CRMs.
Migrating from Salesforce
Import2 supports migrating Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities from Salesforce to Attio. It is not currently possible to migrate Leads or Cases. Leads can be converted to Contacts within Salesforce in order to migrate them.
Migrating from Affinity
There are a few things to take into consideration if you are moving to Attio from Affinity and are considering an Import2 migration:
Check the API limit associated with your Affinity plan, as well as the number of records you need to migrate. You should be able to migrate a record count equal to about 40% of your monthly API allotment in a single calendar month.
It’s best to exclude Affinity’s Smart Fields from your migration, since there are equivalent communication intelligence attributes in Attio that will be populated automatically based on team members’ email and calendar sync. In addition, consider that if you migrate into any of Attio’s enriched attributes, then Attio will not enrich or update the attributes for you moving forward.
Import2 is not able to create the options for your Status, Select, and Multi-select attributes. To create those, you can either create the options yourself in Attio (this can also be done efficiently with a CSV import) prior to running the migration, or remove the mapping to prevent migrating those attributes and import them into Attio with a CSV import instead.
Note: If you’d like to set a default stage for a status attribute, contact Import2 at [email protected], and they can set this up for you.
Currently, the only option for migrating Opportunities into Attio’s Deals is by importing them all into the same stage. To do this, you need to contact Import2 at [email protected], and they can set up a default stage for you. After the migration, you can either manually update the stages, or use a CSV import with deals’ Record IDs to update them in bulk.
If you would like to clean up unneeded records or attributes before migrating, or the above limitations will make the migration difficult for your needs, consider using Attio’s CSV importer to migrate your records and lists instead.
Attio’s CSV importer does not support importing notes. If you plan to migrate your record and list data to Attio via CSV, you can still use Import2 to migrate notes. If you’d like to move forward with this option, reach out to Import2 at [email protected], and cc [email protected] for assistance.
Prepare for migration
For migrations from all CRMs, there are some steps you should take prior to running a migration to ensure your data is imported successfully.
Note: Objects such as Companies, People, or Deals can only be mapped from your former CRM to objects in Attio, not to lists. If you want to import them into lists, you will need to use the CSV importer instead of Import2.
Prepare for updating attributes
Import2 will create new records in Attio from the records in your previous CRM, but it will not update attribute values on any records that have already been created in Attio.
If you’d like to migrate attribute values for every record in your previous CRM, you must first delete all records in Attio, including those created by Attio’s mailbox sync before running your Import2 migration. Follow these steps to disable mailbox sync, delete records, and then re-enable the sync after migration:
Each member of your workspace who has synced a mailbox should remove it by following these steps.
Delete all person and company records from Attio. This can be done in bulk by an admin on the Companies and People pages. To do this, navigate to Companies or People in the sidebar, clear all filters, check the first checkbox next to Company or Person, then go to More and Delete records.
3. Resync emails and calendar events after performing the migration.
Enable objects
Also, enable any non-default standard objects in Attio (Deals, Workspaces, Users) that you want to migrate prior to running the migration. For example, to migrate opportunities, you should first enable the Deals standard object. Custom objects and custom attributes do not have to be created prior to migrating as they can be created automatically for you within the migration process.
Check formatting
To successfully migrate your data, ensure all values are formatted correctly and are compatible with Attio's attributes. Some CRMs do not validate data, which may result in typos or invalid formatting. However, Attio requires valid formatting for a successful import.
Phone numbers: Include the country code in the format
+[country code][subscriber number including area code]
. Attio validates both country and area codes, so incorrect or fake numbers may result in errors. Hyphens are optional.Email addresses: Each entry must follow a valid email format:
[local part]@[domain]
. Ensure that only email addresses are entered in this field.Domains: Attio verifies that all domain values are valid. Examples of acceptable formats include
, whereashttps.www.attio.com
is invalid and will result in an error. Attio stores only the root domain, not full URLs or specific webpage paths.
You can also reference formatting for other attribute types in our API documentation.
Begin migration
Note that only workspace admins can perform migrations. To begin the migration:
Click your workspace name at the top of the left-hand sidebar.
Choose Workspace settings from the dropdown.
Click Migrate from another CRM in the left-hand sidebar.
Find the CRM you are migrating from, and click Migrate.
Note: You will not be charged for any data migration initiated from the Migrate button in Attio using Import2.
Once you click Migrate, you'll be redirected to Import2 where you will perform the data migration. The steps to complete the migration are as follows:
Perform a sample migration. Any attributes in your former CRM that exist in the sample but aren’t system attributes in your Attio workspace will be created. While it’s not possible to configure the mapping of attributes during the sample migration, you can prevent all attributes in your previous CRM from being created in Attio. When viewing the sample migration settings, click Change, then uncheck the box labeled Auto create custom fields.
Navigate to your Attio workspace and verify that the sample migration was successful. Check object settings for any attributes created from the sample that you would like to update or archive.
Optionally, modify any object or attribute mappings in Import2 as needed in preparation for the full migration.
Perform the full migration. If you are prompted to Request full migration, please click the button and try refreshing your page. After doing so, you should see a button that starts the full migration.
For a full walkthrough of the data migration process, see Import2's guide.
Note: If you encounter any errors during the migration process, please reach out to [email protected] with Attio's Support team on cc at [email protected], and share your migration ID along with a screenshot of the error.