Bulk update records or lists via CSV import
Learn how to bulk update records and lists using CSV imports.
Learn how to use unique attributes to bulk update existing records and list entries via CSV import.
Summary of steps
Include a unique attribute
To update existing records with a CSV import in Attio, you need to use a unique attribute that helps identify each record. Without a unique attribute, Attio will create duplicate records instead of updating existing ones.
What is a unique attribute?
Some attributes in Attio are designated as “unique”. When an attribute is unique, it means no two records can share the same value for that attribute.
For example, Domains and Email addresses are unique attributes:
Unique attributes for each object
Note: It’s usually simpler to update records with a unique attribute like Email or Domain, rather than using Record ID.
However, you’ll need to use Record ID if there isn’t another unique attribute available or when you don’t have values for the other unique attributes (for example, if you need to update a company with an import but it has no domain). Learn more about using Record IDs below.
When to use Record ID and Entry ID
Record ID is a unique attribute on all objects, and Entry ID is unique on all list entries in Attio. You can’t add or change these IDs, and they are generated by Attio upon creation. But when all records or entries you want to import already exist in Attio, you can use the IDs assigned by Attio to locate and update the existing records.
Note: Do not include Record ID in your file if you’re adding any new records, as they won’t import successfully.
If you’re using Record ID to make updates and your file has a mix of existing and new records, split them into separate files, or use another unique attribute like Domains or Email addresses, which works for both existing and new records.
How to find Record IDs or Entry IDs
Complete the import
Once you have ensured that your file has the necessary unique attribute included, follow the CSV importing guide to complete the import. Be sure to map the unique attribute on the Map columns step.
If a record with a matching unique attribute value is found in Attio, it will be updated with the new values from your file. If no match is found, a new record will be created using the information in your file (except when using Record ID, as explained above).
Below is an example of correct mappings for an import into a list of people. Entry ID, Record ID, and Email addresses are all unique attributes for People, so you would only need one of those. Mapping Company > Domains will also update which companies the people are connected to.
Note for importing more than one object
If your file contains data for more than one type of object, make sure to include a unique attribute for each object.
For example, if you are importing people and want to include their companies, include a unique attribute for People, such as Emails, and a unique attribute for Companies, such as Domains.
If you import People with just their companies’ names but no domains or Record IDs for the companies, you will create all new companies rather than connecting people to any existing companies.
Note for updating list entries
To update existing list entries instead of creating duplicates, make sure to: