Manage members and admins

Invite new members to your workspace and manage access across your team.

Invite members to your workspace, manage admins, configure member access, and work together seamlessly.

Member access levels

Members of your workspace can have two different access levels:

  • Admin: admin users can access and change Workspace settings. They can invite new members, view and make changes to all lists, and manage member access and billing info

  • Member: members cannot access Workspace settings, manage access, or invite new members

Learn how data is shared across your workspace. For all members, list access settings determine what members can see and do in lists. Email content is private by default but can be shared with members on a single or entire record basis.

Managing member access

Invite members

Workspace admins can invite new members at any time.

From the dropdown beside your workspace name choose Workspace settings. Next choose Members and click Invite member. Enter their email address and set their access level before clicking Send Invites.

After you've sent an invite, you can check its status or revoke it by heading back to Members.

A popup window showing where admins can invite new members.

Note: You can invite members up to the number of seats you have purchased, and if you try to send invites that exceed that number you'll see the option to purchase more seats.

If you need to swap out one member for another, first suspend the active member who no longer needs access, then invite the new member.

Make a member an admin

To make a member an admin, click on the dropdown beside your workspace name and choose Workspace settings (only admins will see this option). Next choose Members.

Click the icon beside a name and select Make admin.

Suspend a member

To suspend a member from your workspace, click on the dropdown beside your workspace name and choose Workspace settings (only admins will see this option). Next choose Members.

Click the icon beside a name and select Suspend user.

When a workspace member is suspended, if they had synced a mailbox, any emails or events that synced to Attio from their account will no longer be visible to other members of the workspace, and they will no longer factor into Attio's communication intelligence attributes such as "Last interaction". Any records that were created as a result of their mailbox sync will remain in Attio.

Reactivate a member

To give a member access to your workspace who was previously suspended, an admin will need to reactivate them rather than sending them a new invite. To do this, click on the dropdown beside your workspace name and choose Workspace settings, then click Members.

Find the suspended member and click the icon beside their name, then select Reactivate user.

End user sessions

Members of our Enterprise plan can end user sessions to force log out users if needed. From the Members page in Workspace settings, click the icon beside someone's name and select End user sessions to end all sessions for that user. To end a single session, click the member's name and scroll down to Active sessions. From there, click the icon and End this session to end a specific session.

See members' synced email and storage accounts

Admins on our Enterprise plan can see which email and storage accounts their team members have synced with Attio. From the Members page in Workspace settings, click the person whose connected accounts you want to see.

Under Email Accounts you will see what emails have been synced, when they were synced, and the status of the sync. Under Storage Accounts you will see any cloud storage accounts they have synced, when they were synced, and the status of the sync. Learn more about email syncing and cloud storage.