Manage sequences
Learn how to manage sequences.
Sequences enable you to streamline your email outreach with personalized, automated email campaigns. While Create a sequence takes you through the steps of setting up a sequence, here you will find an in-depth guide to managing your sequences.
Manage sequence member access
When you create a sequence, you can manage the sequence access for your entire workspace or invite members on an individual basis.
To adjust access settings, you must be the sequence creator, a workspace admin, or have Full access.
Sequence access levels
Use the Workspace access dropdown to set sequence access for the entire workspace. The available access levels are:
Full access members can modify access, edit, and publish sequences.
Read and write members can edit and publish sequences.
Read only members can only view sequences.
No access means the sequence is not visible.
Individual access to sequences
In addition to setting a default access level for their workspace, Full access members and admins can also set differing levels of access for individuals.
To manage individual access, click Share in the top right of the sequence. In the access window, select Search and add users to find and add workspace members. Use the dropdown next to their names to set their access level, then click Invite.
For varying access levels, set the Workspace access to the lowest level needed, then individually raise access for members who require more. When workspace and individual access levels differ, the higher level will apply.
View sequences
To view sequences in your workspace, go to the Automations page in the sidebar and select Sequences. Use the search icon in the top-right to find a specific sequence by name.
Sort and filter sequences
Filter and sort settings are unique to you, so changes you make will not affect your team members' views. To sort sequences, click Sorted by and choose from the available options:
Creation date
Last published
You can also select Filter and set conditions and a user to show sequences created by or not created by a specific user.
View settings
Under View settings, you can Group by any of the following options:
Creation date
Last published
You can also toggle Show archived in View settings to show or hide archived sequences.
Click View settings and toggle Show favorites to display or hide sequences you've marked as favorites at the top of the page. To add a sequence to favorites, click the star icon next to it. Favorited sequences will appear under Favorites at the top of the Sequences page and in your sidebar under Favorites.
View settings are unique to you, so changes you make will not affect your team members' views.
Archive, restore, disable, and delete sequences
If you created a sequence, have Full access, or Read and write access, you can archive, restore, or delete it.
To archive a sequence, click the ⋮ icon next to it on the Sequences page.
When archiving a sequence, choose whether or not you want to exit all active recipients. To exit all active recipients, check the box here and click Confirm.
To restore an archived sequence, go to View settings and toggle Show archived. Find the sequence, click the ⋮ icon, and select Restore sequence. Restoring does not reactivate the sequence. It will stay disabled until re-enabled.
To disable or enable a sequence, toggle the Enable sequence option in the upper-right of the sequence page. Like archiving, when you disable a sequence you have a choice of whether or not to exit active recipients (see screenshot above).
To delete a sequence draft, click the ⋮ icon and select Delete sequence, then confirm. Published sequences cannot be deleted; they can only be archived.
Admin settings for sequences
All admins can view all sequences in Workspace settings. Click your workspace name in the upper-left corner of your workspace, navigate to Workspace settings, scroll down and select Sequences on the left side.
The Unsubscribe list tab shows all contacts that have been unsubscribed. Once a contact has unsubscribed, it is not possible to enroll them in any sequences with the same sender. It is not possible to remove contacts from the unsubscribe list, except when they were added due to a bounce.
Note: You'll want to be certain an email address is valid before removing a bounce from the unsubscribe list, as hard bounces can have a significant negative impact on your deliverability.
You can also add contacts to the unsubscribe list manually to prevent them from being enrolled in any sequences with the + Add contacts button.
Select a sequence, and on the Permissions tab, admins can manage sequence access for the workspace and individual members.