Manage workflows

Learn how to manage workflows.

Workflows allow you to build out powerful and flexible automated processes within Attio. While Getting started with workflows provides an overview of workflows, here you will find an in-depth guide to managing your workflows.

Manage workflow member access

When you create a workflow, you can manage the workflow access for your entire workspace or invite members on an individual basis.

In the top right corner of the workflow, click Share to open the access window to manage which members can access the workflow.

You must either be the creator of the workflow, a workspace admin, or have Full access to manage workflow access. Use the dropdown menu to the right of Workspace access to choose the access level you’d like to configure for the workflow. If you aren't an admin and don't have Full access, you will not be able to make changes to workflow access settings. 

Workflow access levels

Use the Workspace access drop down to assign the workflow access level for the entire workspace.

These are the access levels for workflows:

  • Full access members can modify how access, edit, and publish workflows.

  • Read and write members can edit and publish workflows.

  • Read only members can only view workflows.

  • No access means the workflow is not visible.

Individual access to workflows

In addition to setting a default access level for their workspace, Full access members and admins can also set differing levels of access for individuals.

In the top right corner of the workflow, click Share to open the access window to manage which members can access the workflow. Then click on Search and add users to find the workspace member’s name(s) that you’d like to add to the workflow. Use the dropdown next to their name(s) to choose the access level you’d like them to have to the workflow, then click Invite.

When you want different members to have different levels of access to a workflow, you should set the Workspace access level at the lowest level that any members of your workspace should have. Then add any members individually who should have higher levels of access, using the dropdown beside their names to raise their access level. When workspace access and individual access settings are different, the member will be given whichever access level is greater.

View workflows

You can view workflows in your workspace by navigating to the Automations page on the sidebar. Click the search icon in the upper-right to search by name for a specific workflow.

Sort and filter workflows

Filter and sort settings are unique to you, so changes you make will not affect your team members' views. To customize the sort, click Sorted by and choose one of the following options:

  • Creation date

  • Last published

  • Number of runs

  • Name

You can also select Filter and set conditions and a user to show workflows created by or not created by a specific user.

Automations page showing sort options for workflows

View settings

Under View settings, you can Group by any of the following options:

  • Creation date

  • Status

  • Last published

  • Creator

  • Trigger

Automations page showing group by setting options under a View settings button

Click View settings and select the toggle next to Show favorites to enable or disable a view of all workflows that have been added to your favorites at the top of the page. Click the star icon to the right of a workflow to add it to your favorites. Adding it to your favorites will cause it to show at the top of the Automations page under Favorites, and in your sidebar under Favorites. From View settings, you can also click the toggle next to Show archived to enable or disable archived workflows from showing in your view.

Automations page showing star button you can click to add a workflow to favoritesView settings are unique to you, so changes you make will not affect your team members' views.

Archive, restore, and delete workflows

If you created a workflow, have Full access to a workflow, or Read and write access you can archive, restore, and delete the workflow.

Archive a workflow by clicking the icon to the right of the workflow on the Automations page. Archiving a workflow also pauses the workflow.

To restore a previously archived workflow, first go to View settings and ensure Show archived is toggled on so you can see the archived workflows. Then find the workflow you want to restore, click the icon to the right of it, and click Restore workflow. Restoring a workflow will not automatically set the workflow live again. It will remain paused until you publish it.

Automations page showing button where you can restore an archived workflow

Delete a workflow by clicking the ⋮ icon to the right of the workflow, and click Delete workflow. Confirm that you want to delete the workflow. This will immediately cancel all ongoing runs and cannot be undone. Workflows that have been run cannot be deleted; they can only be archived. 

Admin settings for workflows

All admins can see all workflows that exist in Workspace settings. In addition to managing access to workflows, admins can also pause, archive, duplicate, and set quotas for workflows.

There are a few places admins can access workflow settings:

  • When viewing a workflow, click the icon in the top right corner of the workflow, and select Workflow settings from the dropdown.

  • From the Automations page, click the icon to the right of any workflow and select Workflow settings.

  • Or, navigate from Workspace settings by clicking your workspace name in the upper-left corner of your workspace, then navigate to Workspace settings, then scroll down and select Workflows on the left-hand side, and select the workflow.

On the Permissions tab you can manage access to the workflow for your workspace and for individual members.

Manage workflow credits quota

⁠On the General tab of Workflow settings you can set a quota for the workflow so that the maximum credits used per run are limited. A workflow run will stop if this limit is reached. The default quota is 50 credits used per run.

Manage workflow notifications

On the General tab of Workflow settings you can also disable or enable email notifications for the workflow. By default, you will be notified via email about failed workflow runs for workflows you create. You'll receive at most one email notification per day for each unique reason a run has failed for the workflow. Click the toggle to enable or disable email notifications for the workflow.

Manage workflow credit usage

Admins can navigate to the Billing page of Workspace settings to view workflows credit usage. See our Workflows billing guide for more information about how billing works for workflows, and how to manage your credits effectively.

Frequently asked questions.

  • The workflow will remain unchanged. If it was active, it will remain active, and you will still be able to see the name of the user who created the workflow even though they are suspended.

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