Create and manage kanban views

Explore kanban views for your Attio lists.

Kanban views are perfect for visualizing and moving records through the stages of your workflow.

A typical kanban view in Attio - cards representing people and companies are tracked through various stages

Using kanban views

Create a kanban view

To create a view from an existing view, click the name of your current view, select + Create new in the view dropdown, then select Kanban. Give your view a name and select a status attribute or create one. The status will have the stages your cards will move through in a process, e.g. Sales stage.

Hiding or adding stages

Click a stage name followed by Hide stage to hide a stage in your view. You can also click View settings to re-order, hide, and add stages to your kanban view.

If you'd like to hide the No stage column from your kanban view, click View settings followed by Visible columns from the dropdown. Toggle No status to hide this column. To add a stage to your view, click View settings followed by Visible columns, then toggle on the stages you want to add.

Bulk update stage for kanban cards

You can select multiple kanban cards in a view and move them from stage to stage. Hover over a card and check the box that appears in the top right corner to select it. You can also select a card, hold shift, scroll down, and select anoter card in the same stage to select all cards in between. You can then drag and drop selected cards to move them into a new stage simultaneously.

Confetti stages

Click on any stage name in a kanban view and toggle on Confetti - each time a card is moved to this stage a confetti canon will fire - great for celebrating wins big and small.

View settings

Adapt your kanban to fit any part of your process or workflow. Add filters, change how things look, and narrow down your pipeline to focus on what's important. Click View settings in your kanban view to get started.

Display attributes

Attribute values can be viewed and edited directly on kanban cards. You can configure your kanban views to display certain attributes and hide others.

  • Open View settings on the top right of your kanban view

  • Click + Add card row

  • Select the attributes you would like to see

  • Reorder your attributes with the horizontal dots icon in View settings any time

  • Toggle attribute labels on or off with Show attribute label

  • To edit an attribute label, click the edit icon to the right of the attribute name under View settings. This only changes the label in your current view and does not rename the underlying attribute

Learn more about the different types of attributes you can create, and how to manage them.

View attribute edit history

For any attribute displayed, right-click on a value and select View edit history to see the history of edits made to the attribute including who or what updated it.

Note: Edit history is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Change kanban grouping

You can group your kanban view around any of the status type attributes in your list.

  • Open the View Settings menu on the top right of your kanban view

  • Select Grouped by to see a list of your status type attributes

  • Select a status attribute

Filter a kanban view

Filter down your entries to focus on what's important for the task at hand. To add filter conditions, follow these steps.

  • Click Filter at the top of your view

  • Click + Add condition, and select the attribute you want to filter by

  • Select the conditions for your filter (is, is not, contains, etc.)

  • Choose the value of the attribute to filter by, if applicable

  • You can add an additional filter condition by clicking + Add condition again, or create a filter group

⁠To remove a filter condition, select the icon to the right of it, then click Delete condition.

Sort a kanban view

Change how your entries are sorted in your kanban view.

  • Select Sort, followed by an attribute

  • Choose either ↑Ascending or ↓Descending

  • Use + Add sort to add multi-level sorting

  • Remove sorting options with x and reorder with the horizontal dots icon

Display, filter and sort by attributes for linked objects

You can display, filter, and sort by attributes of an object linked to the primary object in your view. This means you can access company attributes in a view of people, access person attributes in a view of companies, and access attributes for records the records in your view are linked to via relationship attributes.

In a kanban view of people, you can display, filter by, and sort by data about the companies the people in your view are connected to. To find these options when searching for an attribute, first choose Company, then search for and click the name of the company attribute.

In a view of companies, you can display, filter by, and sort by data about the companies' team members. First choose Team, then search for and click the name of the person attribute.

This also applies to relationship attributes. If the primary object in your view has any relationship attributes, you can search for and select the relationship attribute, then search the attributes of the linked object and select the one you want to use.

Track time in stage

You can also track how long a card stays in a stage by clicking on the stage name. Toggle Track time in stage on and set your target time - once this period has expired the counter in the bottom right corner of the card will turn red.

To sort by time in stage, select Sort, select the status attribute you're using, select Active from, then choose either ↑Ascending or ↓Descending.

Calculations in kanban views

You can perform a variety of instant calculations on numeric values in a kanban view. Attributes with non-numerical values support empty/filled calculations.

Use + Add calculation at the very bottom of a kanban stage to see your options.

Frequently asked questions.

  • When you go to add a filter, select the Status attribute you would like to filter for and then select was. You will then be able to select the stage and the time boundaries to show a list of the records that were in that stage for certain dates. ⁠ ⁠

    If you want to specify a date range with before a given date and after another date, set the first date filter, then use the Convert to group option to set the second date filter.

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