Create and manage table views

Table views allow you to manage your list records and attributes in a familiar spreadsheet style.

Create a table view

To create a view from an existing view, click the name of your current view, select + Create new in the view dropdown, then select Table.

A typical table view in Attio, one of the ways to display your lists. Records are shown in a spreadsheet style, with each cell representing a different deal in a sales process.

Display attributes

Attributes are represented as columns in your table. Choose which attributes are shown in your table view.

  • Open View settings on the top right of your table view

  • Click + Add column

  • Select the attributes you'd like to see

  • Reorder your attributes from View settings any time by clicking and dragging them, or drag and drop column headers to reorder your attribute columns

  • You can also select + to the right of your final column to add a new column, and select an existing attribute or click + Create new attribute

⁠For date, timestamp, and currency attributes, you can find additional formatting options by clicking the column header and selecting Formatting:

  • For date and timestamp attributes, choose whether to display values as absolute dates/times, or as relative values (i.e. "in 3 days")

  • For currency attributes, choose how you want the currency label displayed, and you toggle decimal values on or off

Learn more about the different types of attributes you can create and how to manage them.

A dropdown menu shows a list of options - the options are the various attributes you can add as columns to your table view.

Edit column labels

You can relabel your attribute column headers in table views to make it easier to understand what each attribute represents at a glance. This could be especially helpful for communication intelligence attributes and attributes of linked objects.

Note that this does not rename the underlying attribute. The new label you give the attribute will only be shown on the column you are editing, and not in any other views where the attribute may be surfaced. You can view the name of the underlying attribute by hovering over the label.

Click the header of the column and then choose Edit column label. Type in the new label for the column, then click Save.

Sales list showing a dropdown menu for a column header with an option to edit the label.

To remove a label and revert back to showing the full attribute name, select Edit column label and then click Clear label.

View attribute edit history

View the history of edits made to an attribute including who or what updated it by right-clicking a cell and selecting View edit history.

Note: Edit history is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Filter a table view

Filter your records to see only what's important for the task at hand. To add filter conditions, follow these steps.

  • Click Filter at the top of your view

  • Click + Add condition, and select the attribute you want to filter by

  • Select the conditions for your filter (is, is not, contains, etc.)

  • Choose the value of the attribute to filter by, if applicable

  • You can add an additional filter condition by clicking + Add condition again, or create a filter group

⁠To remove a filter condition, select the icon to the right of it, then click Delete condition.

Sort a table view

Change how your records are sorted in your table view.

  • Select Sort

  • Select your chosen attribute

  • Then select either ↑Ascending or ↓Descending

A dropdown reveals the various ways a table can be sorted.

Display, filter, and sort by attributes for linked objects

You can display, filter, and sort by attributes of an object linked to the primary object in your view. This means you can access company attributes in a view of people, access person attributes in a view of companies, and access attributes for records the records in your view are linked to via relationship attributes.

In a view of people, you can use data about the companies the people in your view are connected to. For example, you can display Domain (a company attribute) in a view of people to show their companies' domains, or you can use it to filter or sort. To find these options when searching for an attribute, first choose Company, then search for and click the name of the company attribute.

In a view of companies, you can use data about the companies' team members. When searching for an attribute to display or use for filtering or sorting, first choose Team, then search for and click the name of the person attribute. Note that currently team attributes surfaced in a view will be read only, meaning they can't be edited within your companies view.

This also applies to relationship attributes. If the primary object in your view has any relationship attributes, you can search for and select the relationship attribute, then search the attributes of the linked object and select the one you want to use.

Rearrange and resize columns

Move, hide and sort your attribute columns to further customize your table view.

  • Click on the column name to see the dropdown and choose ⭠ Move left or Move right ⭢ to rearrange columns

  • Or, click and hold a column header, then drag and drop it to reorder the columns

  • Select Hide attribute to hide an attribute from your view

  • To resize columns, hover over the edge of the name cell and drag left or right

Calculations in table views

You can also perform a variety of instant calculations on numeric values in a table view. Columns with non-numerical values support empty/filled calculations.

Use + Add calculation at the very bottom of a column to see your options.

A dropdown shows the various calculations available to apply to columns in a table view.

Table view shortcuts

Work within table views without needing to use your mouse:

  • Move across cells using the arrow keys

  • Edit a cell and save changes with the ⏎ Enter or return key

  • Scroll through attribute options using and ↑ keys

  • Mention a member using followed by their name in tasks, notes, and comments, and they will be notified

  • Copy and paste attribute values with cmd/ctrl + C and cmd/ctrl + V

Bulk update attribute values

When you want to update multiple attribute values at one time, you can update them in bulk in table views with copy and paste.

Select multiple cells by clicking and dragging your cursor over multiple cells, or click a cell, hold shift on your keyboard, and select another cell to select both cells and all cells between. On a Mac, cmd + C will copy the cell values, and cmd + V will paste the values of cells you've copied. On Windows, use ctrl + C and ctrl + V to copy and paste. You can also copy and paste values between Attio table views and other spreadsheet applications.

Note: Pasting into cells is only possible when the values of cells you copied from are compatible with the attribute types you are pasting into. For example, you cannot paste an email address into a phone number attribute.

You can also bulk update lists with an export and import of CSV files. Learn more about bulk updating lists.