Merge and delete records

Merge and delete records to keep your data tidy.

Merge records

Attio's merge feature helps you clean up any duplicate records, merging them into one record. You'll be prompted to merge any duplicates when Attio detects them using domain for companies and email address for people.

Note: It's not yet possible to merge records for Deals, Workspaces, Users, or custom objects, which are in beta.

What happens when I merge two records?

When merging records you combine all data including list entries, notes, tasks, and comments from two source records into a single record. Emails will also be merged when two person records are merged.

The data for the record on the right will be prioritized and merged to, so this is the one that will remain after the merge, while the other record is permanently deleted. You can swap the order of records by clicking the arrow icon between them.

To the right of the = sign, you'll see the information your merged record will contain: the record name, email addresses or domains, and the number of lists, notes, tasks, and comments.

How do I merge records?

You can manually merge any record with another directly from a record page.

  • Navigate to a record page by clicking the name of the record

  • Click the icon in the top right corner of the record page

  • Select Merge records

  • Click Select a record to find the duplicate record

  • Select Merge records in the bottom right to combine the data

Delete records

You can easily delete records from your Attio workspace.

Head to the All records page such as Companies or People in the sidebar and select one or more records using the checkboxes beside the record name. From the dialogue box that appears at the bottom of your view, click the More ▾ dropdown. Select Delete records. The record(s) will be deleted for all members of your workspace.

When you delete a record, linked notes and uploaded files will also be deleted, along with linked references to that record in tasks, notes, note templates, and comments. Other records you have previously merged with the record you deleted will not be restored.

Records can also be deleted from individual record pages using the dropdown in the top right corner.

Frequently asked questions.

  • Either on the People and Companies pages (if you want to look at all records in your workspace) or in a table view in a list (if you need to remove instances of records that have been added more than once to the same list), you can sort the view by name, and then you will be able to see any records listed next to each other that have the same name.

    ⁠From there you can remove duplicate records from your list, or merge or delete records if you're looking at the People and Companies pages.

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