Create reports

Find out how to create reports to visualize your data.

Reports allow you to visualize your lists and records data in highly customizable charts.

Note: The types of reports available to you and the number of reports you can create will depend on your Attio plan. Learn more about the different plans available.

Create a new report

To create a new report on a dashboard, open the dashboard and click + Add report. Alternatively, you can duplicate an existing report by selecting the  icon in the top right corner of the report and selecting Duplicate. Give the report a descriptive name by selecting and overwriting New report in the top left.

For a video walkthrough of reports, see Attio Academy.

Choose a report type

Choose which type of report you want to build:

  • Insight: Report on current data - the current count of records, or current values of number, currency, or rating type attributes.

  • Historical values: Report on how the count of records or values of number, currency, or rating type attributes changed over time.

  • Funnel: Report on the progress and conversion of records through your pipeline stages.

  • Time in stage: Report on the amount of time records spent in each stage of a pipeline over time.

  • Stage changed: Report on the number of records that entered each stage of a pipeline over time.

Use the right-hand table of contents in this article to navigate to the section corresponding to the type of report you are building.

Build an Insight report

Insight reports can be used to report on the current count of records, or current values for your number, currency, or rating attributes. Insight reports can be visualized using bar, line, pie, map, or single metric charts, depending on the attributes you select.

Choose a data source and filters

Choose a Data source. You can build a report using data from an object or a list.

Click Add filter if you only want to include data within set criteria in your report. With no filters applied, all records in the object or list selected will be included in your report. Learn how to add filters.

Choose a metric

Choose the primary metric you want to show in your chart. Choose Count Records to show a single metric of the number of records in the list or object that meet your filters, or choose a number, currency, or rating type attribute.

If you’ve selected an attribute, you can choose to aggregate your data as a Count, MaxAverageMin, or Sum.

Add group by and choose visualization

Optionally, choose another attribute to group your data by. If you don’t want to group by another attribute, you will only be able to use the Single metric visualization.

If you’ve selected another attribute under Grouped by, you can select the chart type under Visualization: Bar, Pie, Line, or Map (when grouping by Country - see below section).

Bar and Line charts

You can opt to display a color-coded third value for line and bar charts by choosing another attribute for the Segmented by option. When selected, you will see a key for the new metric across the top of the chart, and the bars or lines of your chart will change color accordingly.

For bar and line charts, you also have the following options:

  • Toggle Show axis labels on to display the attribute names on your chart.

  • Toggle Target on and add a value to show a line demonstrating the level you want to achieve on your chart.

  • For bar charts, you can also enable Stack bars for a vertically stacked display.

  • By default, bar charts will sort the x-axis options in numerically ascending order, but this can be adjusted by clicking Sorted by. The Amount option sorts the bar values instead.

For time-based bar and line charts, above the chart you can choose between Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, and the time period you want to display. You can also compare to previous periods by selecting Compare and then the period you want to compare.

Map charts

When grouping by Primary location > Country, you can also choose the Map visualization. With map charts, you can choose between showing your data on an interactive Globe or on a flat Map. For either option, you can navigate by clicking and dragging your cursor. Hovering over a country will show the value for that country.

Note: Map visualizations and the Segment by option are not available on the Free plan. Targets are only available on Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Build a Historical values report

Use a historical values report to show how data has changed over time, represented on a bar or line chart. Specifically, use this type of report when you want to see changes over time for:

  • The count of records: for example, how many records did we have in each stage of our pipeline over time?

  • Values of number attributes: for example, how did seat count change over time?

  • Values of currency attributes: for example, how did our total revenue change over time?

  • Values of rating attributes: for example, how did our average record rating change over time?

Note: Reporting on historical values is only available on our Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Choose a data source and filters

Choose a Data source. You can build a report using data from an object or a list.

Click Add filter if you only want to include data within set criteria in your report. Any conditions you add will filter based on the current values of the records or list entries (not their historical values). With no filters applied, all records in the object or list selected will be included in your report. Learn how to add filters.

Choose a metric

Choose the primary metric you want to show in your chart. Choose Count Records to show how the number of records that currently match your filters grew over time, or choose a number, currency, or rating type attribute.

If you’ve selected an attribute, you can choose to aggregate your data as a Count, MaxAverageMin, or Sum.

Segment by and choose visualization

Optionally, choose a status or select type attribute to segment your data by. Once an attribute is selected, you will see a key for the new metric across the top of the chart, and the bars or lines of your chart will change color accordingly. For bar charts, you can also enable Stack bars for a vertically stacked display.

Choose a chart type under Visualization: Bar or Line. Toggle Show axis labels on to display the attribute names on your chart. Toggle Target on and add a value to show a line demonstrating the level you want to achieve on your chart. Targets are only available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

Above the chart, choose between Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, and the time period you want to display. You can also compare to previous periods by selecting Compare and then the period you want to compare to.

Build a Funnel report

With funnel reports, you can report on the progress and conversion of records through your pipeline stages.

Note: Funnel reports are not available on the Free plan. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Choose a data source and filters

Choose a Data source. You can build a report using data from an object or a list.

Click Add filter if you only want to include data within set criteria in your report. With no filters applied, all records in the object or list selected will be included in your report. Learn how to add filters.

Choose a status attribute

Choose the status attribute whose stages you want to show in your funnel. Under Included stages, select the stages you want to include in your chart.

Consider which stage is your target stage, meaning the final stage in the funnel. This is usually “Won” to show the conversion rates, though it could be “Lost” if you want to see your loss rate. Either way, you should only include one target stage per funnel report, so it’s not recommended to include both “Won” and “Lost” in the same funnel report. If you have stages such as “Churned” or “Paused”, you almost always want to remove those from your funnel as well.

Note: Ensure the stages of your status attribute are in sequential order for an accurate funnel. To update the order of stages, edit the attribute in objects or lists settings.

Choose a visualization

There are three visualization options for Funnel type reports:

  • Funnel: Display the historic progression of records through statuses in a pipeline.

  • Funnel Metric: Show what percentage of records passed through any statuses you select, useful for analyzing key transition points in a pipeline.

  • Funnel Steps: Show the conversion percentages of records that have been in any of the selected statuses (as opposed to how many deals currently sit in each status), useful for seeing how many are dropping off at each status.

The statuses of the attribute you selected will be the statuses the chart shows records going through for Funnel and Funnel Steps charts.

For Funnel Metric charts, the chart will show the percentage of records that have been in the last stage you selected, relative to records that have been in any of the other stages you selected.

Records that have been in any of the selected stages will be counted in the funnel chart, and records that skip stages will be counted as having transitioned through intermediate stages. If a record moves from a later stage to an earlier stage, it will still be counted in the funnel as having been in those later stages.

Keep in mind, if you are looking to see the number of records that are currently in a given stage, you will want to use an Insight report instead.

Note: Access to Funnel reports is dependent on your plan. Learn more about the different plans available.

Build a Time in stage report

With time in stage reports, you can report on the amount of time records spent in each stage of a pipeline over time.

Note: Time in stage reports are only available on our Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Choose a data source and filters

Choose a Data source. You can build a report using data from an object or a list.

Click Add filter if you only want to include data within set criteria in your report. With no filters applied, all records in the object or list selected will be included in your report. Learn how to add filters.

Choose a status attribute

Choose the status attribute whose stages you want to show in your report. Under Included stages, select the stages you want to include. For the Aggregation, choose whether to display the Max, Average, or Min of time the records spent in each stage.

Add group by and choose visualization

Optionally, choose an attribute to group your data by. Once an attribute is selected, you will see a key for the new metric across the top of the chart, and the bars of your chart will change color accordingly. You can also enable Stack bars for a vertically stacked display.

Bar charts are the only visualization option for historical values reports. You also have the following options:

  • Toggle Show axis labels on to display the attribute names on your chart.

  • Toggle Target on and add a value to show a line demonstrating the level you want to achieve on your chart. Targets are only available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

  • By default, bar charts will sort the x-axis options in numerically ascending order, but this can be adjusted by clicking Sorted by. The Amount option sorts the bar values instead.

Build a Stage changed report

Use a stage changed report to show the number of records that moved into each stage of a pipeline over time.

Note: Stage changed reports are only available on our Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.

Choose a data source and filters

Choose a Data source. You can build a report using data from an object or a list.

Click Add filter if you only want to include data within set criteria in your report. With no filters applied, all records in the object or list selected will be included in your report. Learn how to add filters.

Choose a status attribute

Choose the status attribute whose stages you want to show in your report. Under Included stages, select the stages you want to include.

Choose the primary Metric you want to show in your chart. Choose Count Records to show the number of records that moved into each stage in each time period, or choose a number, currency, or rating type attribute to show the attribute’s value associated with the records that moved into each stage.

If you’ve selected an attribute, you can choose to aggregate your data as a Count, MaxAverageMin, or Sum. For example, you could select a Deal value attribute and Sum to show the total deal value of records that moved into each stage in the pipeline over time.

Choose a visualization

Choose a chart type under Visualization: Bar or Line. With a bar chart, you can enable Stack bars for a vertically stacked display. Toggle Show axis labels on to display the attribute names on your chart.

Toggle Target on and add a value to show a line demonstrating the level you want to achieve on your chart. Targets are only available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

Above the chart you can choose between Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly, and the time period you want to display. You can also compare to previous periods by selecting Compare and then the period you want to compare.

Save reports

Until you save a report, changes you’ve made will not be visible to other team members. Click Save to publish a new report and make it visible to workspace members or to apply edits to an existing report for all workspace members. Or, discard the changes by navigating away or clicking Discard changes to revert back to the last saved version of the report.

To create a new report with changes you’ve made to a report, click the carat next to Save and select As new report.

View reports

When viewing a report, hover your cursor over a data point to see the value and counts represented. For Insight reports, you can click a data point to open a table view filtered for the records or entries contributing to that data point. Click View contributing data for a table with all data contributing to the chart.

You can also click Calculated values to expand a table showing all values and counts. Highlighting a cell in the table will highlight the relevant data in the chart, and vice versa.

Click the download icon in the upper-right of the table to download the table as a CSV file.

Filter the data in your reports

Add filters to only include records or list entries within set criteria in your report, based on their current values. With no filters applied, all records in the object or list selected will be included in your report.

First click Add filter, select the attribute you want to filter by, then select the conditions for your filter (is, is not, contains, etc.). If applicable, provide the value of the attribute to filter by.

Click the + to add additional conditions, or select the ⋮ icon next to a condition and choose Convert to advanced filter. To combine and nest your filters with ‘and/or’ modifiers, click on the ⋮ icon to the right of a filter followed by Convert to group. You can then add more filters and toggle And/Or for advanced filtering. ⁠

To remove a filter or condition, select the ⋮ icon to the right of it, then click Delete condition or Delete filter.

Frequently asked questions.

  • Dashboards and reports are not currently supported in the Attio mobile app. If this is something you’d like to see in the future, let us know by emailing [email protected].

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