AI attributes

Leverage AI to generate attribute data for your records and lists.

Leverage AI to automatically generate useful attribute data for your records or lists. When creating an attribute, simply enable the AI autofill toggle to activate AI-powered generation for that attribute.

Note: AI attributes are currently in beta. We would love to hear your feedback at [email protected].

Attribute AI autofill options

Choose from the following AI Autofill options. Note that the options available depend on the attribute type.

Summarize record

Available for text type attributes, Summarize record creates a written summary of the record based on its existing attributes’ values.

Optionally, you can add Guidance to specify the key record details you’d like included in the summary. For example, for an attribute on Companies, you could ask it to tell you the companies’ estimated size in employee count and revenue.

Research agent

Available for text, number, and currency type attributes, Research agent generates a summary or answers questions using the record's attributes and information gathered from online research. The research will be based on the attribute’s name. To provide more specific research instructions, add Guidance.

For example, if the attribute name is Twitter handle, it will search for the handle without guidance. If the attribute name is SOC II, you may want to provide additional guidance, such as, “Research whether this company is SOC II compliant”.

As another example, you could ask it to summarize recent news about company records.

Prompt completion

Available for text, number, and currency type attributes, Prompt completion produces a text response based on a custom prompt you define. Use the Use variable option to incorporate specific attribute data into the prompt for it to utilize.

Classify record

Available for select and multi-select type attributes, Classify record analyzes the record's attributes and assigns relevant tags.

Use the toggle to choose whether to Allow AI to generate new options:

  • When disabled, AI can only select from the options you’ve created for the attribute.

  • When enabled, AI can create and select new options beyond those you’ve already defined.

Optionally, provide Guidance to clarify how you want the classification to work. For example, if you have an “Other” tag and have enabled Allow AI to generate new options, you could specify: “Prefer new options to ‘Other’”. This encourages AI to create a more specific tag instead of defaulting to the generalized “Other” option.

Recalculate values

After creating an AI attribute, you can generate values either for a single record or for all records in a view at once.

  • For a single record: Hover over the attribute's cell in the record and click the Recalculate value with AI icon.

  • For all records in a view: Click the attribute's column header and select Recalculate values with AI. A confirmation will appear, showing the number of credits that will be used. Click Confirm to proceed.

AI attributes billing

Each calculation of AI attributes uses automations credits, which are limited per plan. The research agent attribute type consumes 10 credits for each record, and all other types consume one credit for each record.

Learn more about automations billing.