Recording calls with Attio
Learn how to use call recording in Attio with AI-powered transcripts and insights.
Attio’s call recorder seamlessly integrates with your video conferencing platform, capturing meetings for easy sharing with your team. Utilize AI-generated insight summaries and transcripts to ensure key insights about your relationships are accessible and actionable.
Note: Call recording is currently in Beta. Reach out to us at [email protected] with any feedback.
Which Attio plans include call recording?
The Attio call recorder is available on Pro and Enterprise plans. Learn more about plans and pricing.
Compatible video conferencing platforms
The Attio call recorder can be used with the following video conferencing platforms:
Google Meets
Microsoft Teams
The Attio call recorder works with these platforms out of the box, unless default settings have been changed on Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Learn how to troubleshoot Zoom settings and Micosoft Teams settings.
Each member of your workspace can manage their auto-record settings and choose whether to admit or deny the Attio call recorder at the start of each meeting.
Note: In order for the recorder to join the Zoom call and start recording, it needs to be granted access into the call by the meeting host or creator.
Manage auto-record settings
The Auto-record meetings setting controls which meetings Attio will automatically record. Each workspace member can customize this setting for their own meetings.
Note that Attio can only record meetings that have synced through a workspace member’s calendar. To ensure your calls are recorded, make sure your calendar is synced.
Note: Even if auto-recording is enabled, the Attio call recorder still needs to be admitted into each meeting. You can also deny its entry if you don’t want a specific meeting to be recorded.
To update the auto-record setting, follow these steps:
Click your workspace name in the top left, then Account settings.
Select Call recording in the left-hand sidebar under Account.
To start auto-recording all meetings with external participants, select External meetings.
To choose not to auto-record of any meetings, select None. You can still add the Attio call recorder to any meeting manually.
Note: A meeting is considered external if at least one participant's email domain is different from active workspace members’.
Manually start a recording
Regardless of your auto-record setting, you can manually add the Attio call recorder to any meeting. This can be useful if you want to begin recording a call early (possible within 10 minutes of its start time) or if you accidentally denied the Attio call recorder entry and want to re-invite it.
To manually start recording a meeting:
Navigate to the record page of a person or company you are meeting with.
On the Activity tab, select the calendar event you want to record.
Under Call intelligence, select Start recording. If the meeting hasn’t started yet, click the ⋮ icon and Start recording.
Within the call, admit the Attio call recorder to begin the recording.
Override auto-record settings for a meeting
By default, Attio will use the auto-record settings of meeting participants, but this can be overridden if you know that you do or do not want to record a specific call. To manually override auto-record settings:
Navigate to the record page of a person or company you are meeting with.
On the Activity tab, select the calendar event.
Under Call intelligence, choose between:
Auto: May be on or off based on the auto-record settings of meeting participants
Recording on: Auto-record the call regardless of participants’ auto-record settings
Recording off: Will not record the call regardless of participants’ auto-record settings
When a Recording on or Recording off override has been set, the name of the user who set the override is shown.
Admit, deny, or stop recordings during meetings
With auto-recording enabled, you'll be prompted to admit or deny the Attio call recorder at the start of each external meeting. Admit Attio to record the call or deny it to prevent the call from being recorded.
If you've admitted Attio, you can remove it at any time to stop the recording. See below for platform-specific instructions on managing the Attio call recorder.
Note: If you join a meeting early, Attio’s call recorder will enter the waiting room 30 seconds before the scheduled start time. If not admitted within 10 minutes, it will automatically leave the waiting room.
Keep in mind, if you've just created and joined a new calendar event, the call recorder may take a few minutes to join as the event syncs with Attio.
Privacy guidelines
You must always adhere to the relevant data privacy laws of the participants of a meeting. For example, you may need to obtain consent from all participants before recording a call. It is your responsibility to ensure relevant laws are followed when using this feature, but the following guidelines may be helpful:
Notify participants before the call that you intend to record it, for example by including this in the meeting invite.
Update relevant privacy notices to include call recording.
Before admitting the Attio call recorder into your meeting, ask all participants for verbal consent to the recording of the call and make a note of this.
If any participant does not consent, either leave the call recorder in the waiting room (preventing the recording) or deny it entry.
If a participant withdraws consent during a recorded call, remove the Attio call recorder to stop the recording. The recorded portion will remain accessible in Attio from the time the recorder was admitted until it was removed.
You can delete any recorded call from Attio at any time.
Manage Attio call recorder on Zoom call
When you start a meeting with auto-recording enabled or manually begin recording on a Zoom call, a prompt will appear to the meeting host asking them to approve or decline Attio within the Zoom call.
Approve if you want the Attio call recorder to join and record the call.
Decline if you do not want the call to be recorded.
To remove the Attio call recorder and stop recording on Zoom:
Click on Participants.
Click More next to the Attio call recorder.
Click Remove.
Manage Attio call recorder on Google Meet call
When you start a meeting with auto-recording enabled or manually begin recording on a Google Meet call, view People to see Attio waiting to be admitted:
Admit to allow Attio to record the call.
Select the ⋮ icon and Deny entry if you don’t want to record the call.
To remove the Attio call recorder and stop a recording on Google Meet:
Open People.
Select the ⋮ icon to the right of Attio.
Click Remove from the call.
Manage Attio call recorder on Microsoft Teams call
When you start a meeting with auto-recording enabled or manually begin recording on a Microsoft Teams call, Attio will wait in the lobby under Participants:
Click the checkmark or Admit to allow Attio to record the call.
Click X or Deny if you don’t want to record the call.
To remove the Attio call recorder and stop recording on Microsoft Teams:
Select the three dots to the right of the Attio call recorder.
Click Remove from meeting.
Troubleshooting Attio call recording
If the Attio call recorder isn't requesting to join your calls, check the following:
Have you enabled auto-recording or manually started the recording?
Are you on Attio's Pro or Enterprise plans? The Attio call recorder is limited to these plans.
Are you or another team member on the call syncing your calendar with Attio? This is necessary for the recorder to join.
Are you using a video conferencing link that is also in the calendar event? The recorder can only join via a link in the event.
Was the calendar event just created? It may take a 3-5 minutes for the call recorder to join a brand new event while it syncs into Attio.
Did you join the meeting ahead of the start time? With auto-recording enabled, Attio’s call recorder will request to join about 30 seconds before the meeting start time. You can manually start recording earlier.
The Attio call recorder typically works with Google Meets, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams with no additional setup required. However, if you are having trouble recording calls or generating transcripts with Zoom or Microsoft Teams, you should also check your Zoom or Microsoft Teams settings.
Troubleshooting Zoom settings
If your Zoom settings have been updated from default settings, you may need to adjust settings for Attio to successfully record calls and generate transcriptions. To ensure Attio is able to record Zoom meetings, first configure your global caption settings on Zoom:
Go to Zoom settings.
Turn on Automated captions.
If the above setting is on, but transcripts are still not being generated, ensure meeting captions are also enabled within the meeting:
Hover over Show captions and click the ^ icon.
Select Host caption control settings.
Enable Allow closed captioning for this meeting.
If you don’t see an option to enable meeting captions, it’s likely the global Automated captions setting is turned off in your Zoom account settings.
To configure your local recording settings on Zoom:
Log into your Zoom account at
Go to your Zoom recording settings: Settings > Recording.
Enable Record to computer files.
Enable Internal meeting participants.
Enable External meeting participants.
Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams settings
If your Microsoft Teams settings have been updated from default settings, you may need to adjust settings for Attio to successfully record calls and generate transcriptions. Ensure live captions are enabled in your meeting:
Go to More actions, select Language and speech, then Show live captions
It is also possible for live captions to be entirely disabled by admins, so if captions are still not working, check with your administrator.
View and manage call recordings and insight templates
To learn how to view and interact with calls after they've been recorded, see View and manage call recordings.
To learn how to customize insight templates for AI-generated takeaways from your call recordings, see Create insight templates for call recordings.