View and manage call recordings

Watch calls, understand AI-insights, and manage recordings.

Calls you have recorded with Attio can be accessed from three places in Attio:

  • Calls page: Click Calls in the left-hand sidebar to view all call recordings from all workspace members.

  • Activity tab on records: Navigate to a record that participated in the call and open the Activity tab to find the meeting that was recorded.

  • Calls tab on records: Navigate to a record that participated in the call and open the Calls tab to find the recording.

Note: All call recordings are visible to all workspace members.

View a call recording

Select a call recording to watch the video recording, read the transcript, and use insight templates for AI summaries. You can also view a call recording while the meeting is ongoing, with the transcript and insights updating in real-time.

View the transcript and speakers

While a call is being recorded, Attio generates a real-time transcript with speaker labels and timestamps. When watching a recorded call, click any line in the transcript to jump to that moment in the video.

For a breakdown of speaking time, go to the Speakers tab. You'll see a timeline of when each participant spoke, along with their total speaking time and percentage of the call. To listen to a specific speaker, click the triangle play button next to their name to activate Focus Mode, which plays only that speaker while skipping all others.

Manage video playback options

The call recording video player has several playback options:

  • Play or pause the video

  • Skip back or forward 10 seconds

  • Mute or adjust the volume level

  • Adjust playback speed (0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, or 2x)

  • Pop out pins a small video player to the bottom of your screen, allowing you to navigate to other browser tabs, applications, or screens while still playing the video

  • Fullscreen mode

  • Pin to screen in the top right corner of the page keeps the video, transcript, and insights visible on the right-hand side of your screen while navigating to other pages in Attio

In addition to generating the transcript, Attio’s AI divides the video into chapters based on topics. Hover over the video’s seek bar to view these chapters.

View the call summary and insights

When viewing a recorded call, the Summary in the top left will display an AI-generated summary paragraph of the meeting's key discussions.

To the right of Insights, select an insight template to apply to the call recording. The AI will follow the template’s prompts to generate and highlight insights from the meeting in the requested format.

Note: The insight template you choose applies only to your view. Other workspace members can view the recording simultaneously and select different templates.

Delete a call recording

To delete a call recording from the Calls page, from a record page, or when viewing a specific recording, select the ⋮ icon to the right of a recording, then Delete recording.

Calls page filter, sort, and view settings

When viewing all calls in your workspace from the Calls page accessed from the sidebar, you can filter and customize the view.

To change the sort order of calls:

  • Click Sorted by.

  • Choose Ascending or Descending for the date order.

To filter which calls are shown:

  • Click Filter.

  • Choose to filter by Record or Participant > is or is not > search for the record or participant.

  • Click the X to remove a filter.

To customize the layout from View settings:

  • Toggle Show favorites on or off to show or hide the Favorites section at the top of the page.

  • For Group by, Date is selected by default. Select None to remove the grouping.

Favorite call recordings

From the Calls page, click the star icon to the right of a call recording to add it to your favorites. When viewing a specific call recording, select the ⋮ icon and Add to favorites. Favorite call recordings show at the top of the Calls page under Favorites, and in your sidebar under Favorites.

Impact of downgrades on call recordings

Attio’s call recorder is available on Pro and Enterprise plans. If you downgrade to Plus or Free, you will lose access to your previously recorded calls. However, they are not deleted, so if you upgrade again in the future, you will regain access to them. Learn more about plans and pricing.