Understanding objects

The fundamental building blocks of Attio.

What are objects?

In Attio, there are two types of objects: standard objects and custom objects.

Standard objects

An object is a data structure that allows you to organize and present data in a certain way. It’s the equivalent of a table within a spreadsheet. You could also think of it as a blueprint for you how store your data.

A standard object is an object that is natively supported by Attio. There are 5 standard objects:

ObjectUse CaseEnabled by default?
PeopleStores information about any person who interacts with your business.Yes
CompaniesStores information about any company that interacts with your business.Yes
DealsTracks potential sales between your company and another organization or individual.No
WorkspacesTracks information about accounts using your product, including connected users and companies.No
UsersTracks information about the users of your product, including the person and workspace records they are connected to.No

Each standard object comes with a pre-defined set of attributes, which you can find in Workspace settings > Objects.

Attio has two standard objects enabled by default: Peopleand Companies, and three other standard objects that you can activate: Deals, Workspaces and Users. We’ll dive into the reasons for why you might use these in a later section.

You can activate other standard objects (as well as custom objects) by going to Workspace settings > Data > Objects.

Custom objects

A custom object is exactly what it sounds like: a data structure that is customized uniquely for your business.

If Attio’s standard objects don’t align close enough with your business model, then you can easily create a custom object that aligns exactly to your needs.

How to create a custom object

To create a custom object, go to Workspace settings > Data > Objects and click Create custom object.

You’ll need to name the entity you are tracking. For example, if you’re a B2B SaaS company, it might be subscriptions. In this case, your plural noun will be Subscriptions and your singular noun Subscription.

You’ll also want to choose an identifier that will also serve as a slug. We recommend choosing something as close as possible to your noun (in this case, /subscriptions).

When should I use a custom object?

You should use custom objects if your data and workflow structures don’t work neatly with standard objects. Custom objects allows you to mold your CRM exactly to your business and data model.

For example, if you’re a B2B marketplace, you may want to create custom objects for Buyers, Sellers, and Transactions, in addition to the Attio Standard Objects of People, Deals, and Companies.

Example: B2B marketplace

CustomBuyersThose purchasing your products/services in your marketplace.
CustomSellersThose selling products/services in your marketplace.
CustomTransactionsData store for every transaction that occurs.
StandardPeopleContacts who you deal with on the non-marketplace side of your business.
StandardCompaniesCompanies who you deal with on the non-marketplace side of your business.
StandardDealsA potential sale that your business wants to track between your company and another organization or individual .

Object relationship types

One of the most powerful aspects of objects is that you can specify their relationship types. This allows you to define how objects are connected and interact with each other. In Attio, there are three types of object relationships:

  1. one to many

  2. many to many

  3. one to one

For example, in the case of our B2B marketplace, you’d want your Buyers object to have a one to one relationship with Companies, and a one to many relationship with Transactions.

This setup lets you see at a glance who a buyer is working with and all the deals they're involved in.

If we were to sketch out our complete data model for our B2B marketplace, it would look like this:

ObjectRelationship TypeObject
Buyersone to oneCompanies
Buyersone to manyTransactions
Sellersone to oneCompanies
Sellersone to manyTransactions
Companiesone to manyPeople
Companiesone to manyDeals

In our B2B marketplace data model:

  • Each buyer is connected to only one company (Buyers has a one to one relationship with Companies). This keeps data organized by ensuring every buyer is accurately linked to their respective company.

  • However, a buyer can have many transactions (therefore Buyer has a one to many relationship with Transactions). This allows tracking all the deals a buyer has been involved in over time.

  • Similarly, each seller belongs to a single company, but can have multiple transactions (Sellers has a one to one relationship with Companies and a one to many relationship with Transactions).

  • A company can have several people linked to it, and be involved in numerous deals (Companies have a one to many relationship with both People and Deals). This enables monitoring all the individuals and deals associated with a particular company.

Defining the relationships between your objects creates a clear structure for your data and leads to better growth, management, processes, and insights into how different parts of your business work together.

Learn more

For an even deeper dive about objects, reference the Objects article in our Reference section.

Up next

Learn in more depth about attributes.