Google Meet

Google Meet

Keep your Attio workspace and team connected with Google Meet.


You can use the Chrome extension within Gmail and while on Google Meet calls to quickly add, view, and update records for people and companies you are corresponding or meeting with.

How it works

When you open the extension in Gmail, it will show existing records matching the participants on the email if they exist. Click an existing record to open and view or update it.

Attio will suggest records you can add based on the participants if they don't exist yet. Click Add to Attio to add a new record. You can then add data to the attributes and add the record to a list.

If you open the extension while on a Google Meet call, it will surface people invited to the meeting's corresponding calendar event and will search names of participants on the call and surface potential matches, which you can select to add to Attio, update attribute values, or view the record.


Install the Attio Chrome extension to use Attio with Google Meet.

Download the Attio Chrome extension here.

Find more information about using the Attio Chrome extension with Google Meet here.