Zapier migration guide

Learn how to migrate Zapier to use the latest functionality.

If you became a user of our Zapier integration before December 2023, you may be using outdated blocks from earlier versions of our integration. This guide explains how to transition to the latest versions of our actions and triggers to make the most of your Zapier usage.

Do I need to migrate?

Although we will not be shipping any breaking changes in the immediate future, re-configuring your Zaps to utilize the latest functionality will ensure access to new features. See What new functionality does the latest version provide? below for more information on the new features available in the latest release.

If you began using the Zapier integration after 2023, you will not need to migrate any of your Zaps. If you were a user before this point, you may want to migrate Zaps containing any of the following deprecated blocks.


  • Entry Attribute Changed

  • Entry Status Changed

  • New Entry


  • Link Person and Company

  • Find or Create Company

  • Find or Create Person

  • Find or Create Entry

  • Update Entry Attributes

All of these blocks will be marked with a “(deprecated)” label inside Zapier for clarity. Deprecated blocks will continue to function as before for the foreseeable future, but will not be available in new Zaps and will not receive further updates from our Engineering team. We strongly recommend migrating to the replacement actions and triggers as shown below.

How do I migrate my actions/triggers?

Please note that the data format on the new blocks differs from the deprecated blocks and you will need to adjust your data mapping across the Zap as a result.


Entry Attribute Changed

This trigger has been replaced by the List Entry Updated trigger.

Note that List Entry Updated allows you to optionally filter updates so that they only fire on a updates to a particular attribute. You can configure this with the Attributes field. This means that you may be able to simplify previous configurations where a separate filter step was used.

You will still have access to data from both the entry itself and also the parent record of that entry.

Entry Status Changed

This trigger has been replaced by List Entry Updated.

In order to ensure that you only listen to updates on the relevant status attribute, please select the status attribute from the Attributes field when configuring the List Entry Updated trigger.

New Entry

This trigger has been replaced by List Entry Created.


This action has been replaced by either Create Record, Update Record or Create or Update Record.

Please see our guide on how to update relationships using these actions here.

Find or Create Company/Find or Create Person

These actions has been replaced by Create or Update Record which works not only for companies or people, but for all objects. If you are only looking to find a record and not perform any creates or updates, you may also use the Find Record action.

The updated “Create or Update Record” action also gives you the ability to write attributes on your records, which may simplify Zaps which were using a separate update step.

We have additionally provided a brand new action, Create Record, if you would like to create records without selecting a matching attribute such as email addressees or domains. Note that this action will error on conflicts and may result in duplicates. Users should make an effort to check for pre-existing records or clean up duplicate data from this action.

Find or Create Entry

This action has been replaced by Create or Update List Entry by Parent Record. This new action has support for lists of all objects, meaning it will now function for lists of objects other than companies and people. If you are only looking to find a record and not perform any creates or updates, you may also use the Find Entry action.

Additionally, you may now optionally update attributes on the entry at the same time as finding or creating it, allowing you to simplify Zaps which used a separate update step.

If you wish to update from an entry ID, as opposed to a parent record, you may use the new Update List Entry action instead. This can be useful when updating entries that have already been identified in your Zap, such as from a previous Create or Update List Entry by Parent Record step or from a List Entry Updated trigger.

Update Entry Attributes

This action has been replaced by Update List Entry.

Note that you may be able to compress two separate find and create then update steps into a single create or update step using the new Create or Update List Entry by Parent Record action.

What new functionality does the latest version provide?

In addition to simply migrating Zaps using the deprecated actions, you may also wish to take advantage of the new functionality in the latest integration version. Some highlights in the new version include:

  1. New triggers for record creation/updates/deletion, entry deletion and task creation.

  2. Full object support. You can now write to deals/users/workspaces/people/companies and any custom objects in your workspace, not just to people and companies.

  3. When finding or creating records, you can optionally update attributes on that record at the same time.

  4. In addition to the combined “Create or Update Record” action, there are now two separate actions for creating and updating records to give you more fine-grained control.

  5. In addition to the combined “Create or Update List Entry” action, there are now two separate actions for creating and updating records to give you more fine-grained control.

  6. Improved assertion for records, allowing you to match records by any unique attribute, not just emails for people and domains for companies.

  7. Improved value writing on record and list entry actions

    • Names can now be written with single name values rather than requiring you to split out into separate first name and last name fields.

    • Addresses can now be written. Address strings will intelligently be parsed into complete address values inside Attio.

    • Team member references can now dynamically written using email addresses as well as manual IDs or from static values selected in a dropdown.

    • Statuses and select options can now be written using the name of the option or status, as well as IDs.

  8. New create task action

  9. New create note action

  10. Updated terminology to match the latest version of the web app (e.g. no more confusing references to “documents”)

  11. Numerous small bug fixes

Read more about our new triggers and actions in our guide.

As always, please reach out to support via [email protected] or the support widget if you have any further questions about your Zapier setup.