Popular Zapier triggers and actions

Check out some of the most popular ways to use our Zapier app from the Attio community.

Triggers kick off the automation process and set your workflow running. Your Zap lies in wait for this event to occur, and once it does, your Zap will run. Learn more about triggers.

Note: Some of the following triggers and actions will only run correctly if you have connected Attio and Zapier using an API key with read-write permissions. Learn more about permissions.

List Entry Created

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever a new entry is added to a list in Attio. The trigger will contain data for both the list entry that was created and also the parent record of that entry.

List Entry Updated

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever an existing entry is updated in a list in Attio. The trigger will contain data for both the list entry that was created and also the parent record of that entry. Note that this trigger will not fire when data on the parent record changes. To listen to changes on records, please use the Record Updated trigger.

List Entry Deleted

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever a record is removed from a list.

Record Created

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever a record is created in Attio.

Record Updated

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever attributes on a record are updated in Attio.

Record Deleted

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever a record is deleted in Attio.

Task Created

Use this trigger to run your Zap whenever a task is created in Attio.

Actions are one or more events that occur after your Zap has been triggered—it’s what your Zap actually does for you. Learn more about actions.

Create or Update Record

Use this action to tell Zapier to either update an existing record in your Attio workspace, or create a new record if no matching record is found.

Records are looked up with a matching attribute which must be a unique attribute in Attio. For example, you may use domain when operating on company records, or email address when operating on person records. You must always pass data for the matching attribute. If you want to avoid passing data for a matching attribute (e.g. to create people without email addresses) then please use the Create Record action instead (see below).

This action also provides an optional Attributes field which can be used to create/update data for other attributes on the record. As we cannot know ahead of time whether or not the record already exists in Attio, you must always pass values for all required attributes without default values (if there are any). If you want to avoid passing data for all required attributes, please use the Update Record action instead (see below).

If you do not specify any attributes, you can also use this action to lookup records by matching attribute e.g. "Find person by email" or "find company by domain".

If you have a record ID from a previous step and thus can guarantee the existence of your record, you may prefer to use the Update Record action (see below).

Create Record

Use this action to tell Zapier to create a new record.

Note that this action will error if there are conflicts with existing unique attributes in the system e.g. you try and create two person records using the same email address. If you would like to avoid errors for such conflicts, please use the Create or Update Record action instead (see above).

This action can be useful when you do not want to provide data for a matching attribute e.g. for creating people without an email address.

Update Record

Use this action to tell Zapier to update attributes on a particular record. You will need to identify the record by record ID which you should have from a previous step e.g. the Record Created trigger.

If you would like to update records by attributes other than the record ID, you should use the Create or Update Record action instead (see above).

Create or Update List Entry by Parent Record

Use this action to search then create/update an entry for a record in a particular list. If no entries are found, one will be created for you. If an entry is found, you can optionally update it. This action will error if more than one entry in the list has the specified parent record.

This action provides an optional Attributes field which can be used to select which attributes you would like to set on the entry. Please use the Update Record action to update the parent record.

Create List Entry

Use this action to tell Zapier to create a new entry in a list.

You must specify the parent record of the entry using the object (e.g. "people") and record ID. The object can be selected using a dropdown in Zapier. The record ID should be obtained from a previous step in your Zap e.g. the Record Created trigger, the Create or Update Record action, or the Create Record action.

This action also provides an optional Attributes field which can be used to create/update data for other attributes on the entry.

Note that this action will create multiple entries for the same record.

Update List Entry

Use this action to tell Zapier to update the attributes on a given entry in a list. For example, you may use this action to update a status attribute on an entry.

You can specify which attributes you would like to update using the Attributes field in Zapier. Once you have specified one or values in this field, you may specify data for each attribute in the fields that appear below.

You will need an entry ID to specify the entry you would like to update. This should be obtained from a previous step in your Zap e.g. the Entry Created action.

Create Task

Use this action to tell Zapier to create a new task. You can set task content, deadline and assignees. Note that you cannot currently link tasks to a record via Zapier.

Create Note

Use this action to tell Zapier to create a note on a record.

Create Storage Location

Use this action to tell Zapier to connect a folder from a file provider (e.g. Dropbox) to a record.