CSV import formatting guide

Learn how to format your CSV file to import into Attio.

Bring your data into Attio by importing CSV files into lists or objects. This guide outlines the formatting to use for each attribute type, and some specific attributes. Learn more about importing.

Attribute types

Text attributes

All text is supported, including line breaks. Text attributes can also be used for storing URLs, which are clickable.

Number attributes

9, 9.00, 1312313123.1233, etc. are supported. Must be any real number, and (-/+) infinity is not supported. We store all numbers as floating points with up to 4 decimal places of precision (additional decimal digits are removed).

If your numbers include decimals, select the format you are using to indicate the decimal separator here:

Checkbox attributes

These will result in a checked box:

  • 1

  • true

  • TRUE

  • #t

These will result in an unchecked box:

  • false


  • #f

  • 0

Blank values will be left unchecked.

Date attributes

When importing a date attribute, you need to select the format you are using by clicking the gear icon in the upper-right of the "Review values" step of the import process:

ISO standard format is YYYY-MM-DD.

European format supports the following:

  • 14/07/2024

  • 14-07-2024

  • 14 07 2024

  • 14/7/2024

  • 14-7-2024

  • 14 7 2024

  • 14 Jul 2024

  • 14 Jul, 2024

  • 14 July 2024

  • 14 July, 2024

  • 14th July 2024

  • 14th July, 2024

American format supports the following:

  • 07/14/2024

  • 07-14-2024

  • 07 14 2024

  • 7/14/2024

  • 7-14-2024

  • 7 14 2024

  • Jul 14 2024

  • Jul 14, 2024

  • July 14 2024

  • July 14, 2024

  • July 14th 2024

  • July 14th, 2024

Rating attributes

  • 1 - 5 will map to 1-5 stars

  • 0 will result in no value set

Timestamp attributes

When importing a timestamp attribute, you need to select the format you are using by clicking the gear icon in the upper-right of the "Review values" step of the import process:

The default format is ISO8601, and it can be any prefix of this: 2024-11-01T01:02:03.456789234Z. For example, 2024-11-01 would be interpreted as 2024-11-01T00:00:00.000000000Z.

If selecting European format, you can use:

  • 01:02:03 01 11 2024

  • 01:02:03 1 Nov 2024, etc.

If selecting American format, you can use:

  • 01:02:03 11 01 2024

  • 01:02:03 Nov 1 2024

  • 01:02 Nov 01 2024, etc.

Select attributes

Select options can be matched by the select option label (they are not case sensitive), or the ID value. For example:

  • 3D Printing

  • 3d printing

  • eccbbd4f-0d87-4c0d-972e-92fe0d0ec33d

Multi-select attributes

Multi-select attributes accept the same formatting as Select, but each value should be split with a ,. For example, these would be added as two values:

  • 3D Printing, Architecture

This means your select option cannot include , in the label.

Note: When updating existing records, multi-select values imported will be added to any existing values on those records. Existing values will not be replaced.

Currency attributes

These are treated exactly like number attributes. For example, these are supported:

  • 4

  • 40.99

Currency symbols are not supported, and it isn’t possible to import values in a different currency to the one set in the attribute configuration. Only one currency per attribute is supported.

Record attributes

It isn’t possible to directly specify a record. Instead, you need to specify a unique attribute of that record. For example, you can’t do this by mapping Person > Company. But you can do Person > Company > Domains or Person > Company > Record ID. See the importing guide for more information.

User attributes

Attio will try to match workspace members using the following rules, in order:

  • Workspace membership ID, e.g. 8e0a0cff-cde0-4c46-a921-ffe0e4f77827

  • Their email address, e.g. [email protected]

  • Their full name, e.g. Nicolas Sharp

  • Their first name, e.g. Nicolas

If no match is found or 2+ matches are found using the above approach, it fails validation and you will need to set the value on the “Review values” step.

Status attributes

Status options can be matched by the stage label (they are not case sensitive), or the ID value. For example:

  • In Progress

  • in progress

  • ef259dff-eee2-4515-9e8c-97ad299e926a

Relationship attributes

It isn’t possible to directly specify a relationship. Instead, you need to specify a unique attribute of the record that should be connected via the relationship. For example, you can’t do this by mapping Person > Company. But you can do Person > Company > Domains or Person > Company > Record ID. See the importing guide for more information.

The importer will always write relationship attributes from the direction of parent > child. For example, if you were importing companies and specifying Team members (people), we create those people first, then the companies are created referencing those people. Since relationships are bi-directional, only when the company is successfully created does the Company attribute on people get set properly.

Location attributes

City, state, and country can be imported into Attio, but the values for all three (or individual elements) need to be held in one column in your spreadsheet. For example, you can have a single "Location" column with values like:

  • New York City, New York, United States

  • London, United Kingdom

  • San Francisco, California

  • Germany

Map the "Location" column to the "Primary location" attribute in Attio, and all of these would be supported, and imported, identified, and added to their respective attributes (City, State, or Country) automatically.

Phone number attributes

Import numbers, including the country code: ([country code][subscriber number including area code]).

Specific attributes


When importing names for person records, you can either import a single Full name column, or First name and Last name as separate columns (you don't need all three; the below is just to show what the options look like). When you go to select the mapping and click Name, you can select First, Last, or Full accordingly.

As an example, to import Nicolas Sharp , you can either have a column with Nicolas mapped to First and another column with Sharp mapped to Last, or you can have a single column with Nicolas Sharp mapped to Full.

When importing the full name, your column in the CSV should contain Nicolas Sharp, not "Nicolas Sharp" or Sharp, Nicolas .

Foundation date

Provide only a year, e.g. 1984. If you provide a full date, e.g. 1984-11-01, it will be truncated to just the year.

LinkedIn company

The URL must start with linkedin.com/company.

LinkedIn person

The URL must start with linkedin.com/in.