Pylon app
Sync your Slack conversations to Attio with our Pylon integration.
Connect Attio with Pylon to sync the Slack conversations you're having with customers into Attio.
The integration can be used for the following:
Automatically create all of your Slack chat participants as person records in Attio
Automatically create notes containing AI summarized Slack conversations and a link to the Slack conversation, added to the associated company record in Attio at the end of each day
Use Attio attributes to filter Broadcasts and Issues in Pylon
Learn more about the features of the Pylon integration with Attio.
Connect Pylon with Attio
Note that you will need to be an Attio workspace administrator to complete the integration setup.
Log into your Pylon account, or create a new account
Click Integrations in the left-hand sidebar, then click the Sales tab
Click Connect under Attio, then Authorize on the Attio Authorization page

Manage integration settings
Within your Pylon account, head to the Integrations page to manage settings for the integration with Attio. Find Attio, and click Manage.
Under Sync Settings, use the toggles to enable or disable:
New contacts: Automatic creation of person records in Attio for new Slack chat participants
New conversations: Automatic creation of notes in Attio on associated company records for new Slack conversations, summarized by AI, including a link to the Slack message
Under Map Attio Users to Slack Users, you can select a Slack user on the right that corresponds for each Attio user on the left.