• Sales
  • Pass won deals to Customer Success

Pass won deals from Sales to Customer Success.

Seamlessly pass all won deals to your Customer Success team for effective activation.

Setup guide


This template is aimed at automating the process of passing won deals to your Customer Success team. This simple workflow gives you the power to enhance your customer activation by enabling timely engagement and providing accurate data. You will be on top of your Customer Success game as this will constantly keep you updated with the customers you aim to establish a deeper connection with.


We have put together a list of prerequisites that are recommended for this workflow. This will be different depending on your usage, but you can use it for reference.

  • A Deals object that includes:

    • Won status attribute for all your won deals

  • A Customer Success list that includes:

    • Onboarding status attribute for the triaged won deals

How to use this template

Once opened, you will see three connecting blocks in this template.

  1. The Attribute Updated block is the first step to this workflow. This block will be activated every time you update the status attribute of your deals in your Deals object. To make sure this workflow runs properly, we will need to select the Deals object and the Deal Stage attribute used to track a deal’s progress.

  2. The Filter block decides which deals get passed to the next block. This is where you set the criteria of what counts as a won deal. In this instance, our only requirement is for the deal attribute be moved to Won, so only the qualified deals will trigger the next block. However, you can add more filters if you need to.

  3. The Add Record to List block is where you select a list for all filtered won deals to be stored. These are customizable and you can pre-set items including the stage that these deals will be placed in and their primary CSM. For our workflow, we have directed the won deals to be put into the Customer Success list and set our Stage as Onboarding.

Workflows FAQ

  • If you’d like your workflow to access a specific list you’ll need to make sure the workflow has access, just like if it was a workspace user. You can do this in the List access permissions settings.

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