Automatically update your customer’s Annual Recurring Revenue.

Create a workflow that calculates and fills in your customers’ projected ARR.

Setup guide


This template references your customers’ updated MRR to calculate for a projected ARR. By using this workflow, you can relax and be assured that this ARR forecast is correct.


We have put together a list of prerequisites that are recommended for this workflow. This will be different depending on your usage, but you can use it for reference.

  • A Workspaces object chosen that includes:

    • MRR currency attribute

How to use this template

Once opened, you will see a series of connecting blocks.

  1. The Attribute Updated block will be activated every time you update the status attribute of the records in your Workspaces object. To make sure this is set up correctly, we will need to select the Workspaces object and the attribute used to track an account’s MRR contribution.

  2. The Formula block detects the MRR update and does a calculation for the ARR. To ensure this formula calculates properly, multiply the updated MRR by 12, which will give you the projected revenue in a year. An example input of this would be:

    Description: Calculate Projected ARR {New Value} x 12
  3. The Update Record block automatically updates your customer’s projected ARR with the result from the calculation.

Workflows FAQ

  • If you’d like your workflow to access a specific list you’ll need to make sure the workflow has access, just like if it was a workspace user. You can do this in the List access permissions settings.

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